October 11, 2012

IRLP Net Report - Sept. 8, 2012

Ham Radio
Net Reports

NZ9S called The American Legion Radio Net (IRLP) for Saturday, 8 September 2012 at 1400 hours EDT (1800 UTC) and concluded at 2022 hrs (1822 UTC) on the K9DC Crossroads Repeater, IRLP channel 9205. There were 6 total checkins, including Net Control: Portable/mobile/fixed stations: AG6EM, San Jose, CA (portable from field operations at the Marine Corps Family Day in Palo Alto, CA.) NZ9S, Sheridan, IN KD6SWL, San Jose, CA K0PTK, Chadron, NE K J9M, Carmel, IN N6CRJ, Union City, CA Announcements:

NZ9S called The American Legion Radio Net (IRLP) for Saturday, 8 September 2012 at 1400 hours EDT (1800 UTC) and concluded at 2022 hrs (1822 UTC) on the K9DC Crossroads Repeater, IRLP channel 9205. There were 6 total checkins, including Net Control:

Portable/mobile/fixed stations:
AG6EM, San Jose, CA (portable from field operations at the Marine Corps Family Day in Palo Alto, CA.)
NZ9S, Sheridan, IN
KD6SWL, San Jose, CA
K0PTK, Chadron, NE
K J9M, Carmel, IN
N6CRJ, Union City, CA


OFFICIAL TALARC PIN -- The American Legion Amateur Radio Club now has an official pin. It is 1.25 inches in diameter with a double clutch-back. Red, gold and blue, it sports The American Legion Amateur Radio Club name surrounding a radiating gold tower on a red background. A photo and information on how to get one will be posted on The American Legion Amateur Radio Club website next week. URL is www.legion.org/hamradio.

American Legion Amateur Radio Club Tack

Detailed Description
• 1.25" diameter with double clutch-back.

AMERICAN LEGION NETS -- The club is still open to suggestions regarding the best day, band and time for The American Legion Amateur Radio Clubs Nets. Right now, most of the feedback received indicates that both the HF, 20 meter and IRLP venues work well. However, there might be a better frequency for our net use on a regular basis that could cut down on typical weekend QRM and QRN. So, once again we solicit you suggestions. Please send them to k9tal@legion.org and we will report back on the results during the next net.

ASSISTANT HF NET CONTROLS WANTED -- Right now there are two TALARC HF net control operators but more are needed. If you have some spare time and would like to volunteer as an Assistant Net Control for The American Legion Amateur Radio Club Net, please send us your info and availability times and dates to k9tal@legion.org. Stations with high power and rotatable beams/yagis are especially encouraged to apply. However, any and all stations are welcome. If enough volunteer net control stations are in the pool, we hope to be able to move to weekly HF nets. Again, send your info to k9tal@legion.org.

SPECIAL EVENT STATION -- The American Legion Amateur Radio Club headquarters station, K9TAL, will be operational on Sunday, November 11, for a Veterans Day Salute from Indianapolis, Indiana. It will operate USB on or around 14.270 MHz and occasional CW on or about 21.40 MHz from 1400Z (0900 EST) to 2130Z (1630 EST). A QSL card will be issued with the receipt of a self addressed, stamped envelope to K9TAL. Any TALARC member in the Indianapolis area, or passing through, is welcome to participate in the operation. K9TAL will also monitor 146.52 simplex for VHF contacts.

MEMBER EMAIL ADDRESSES -- If your email address has changed since you joined TALARC, please send us your new email address so we can update our database and ensure that you receive the latest club information. Send your changes to k9tal@legion.org, attn: Joe, KJ9M.

NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH -- This month is a good opportunity for American Legion Amateur Radio Club members to engage their posts in disaster preparedness activities and radio operations. More info at: http://www.ready.gov/. If you do not have a copy of The American Legion Disaster Preparedness and Response Guide for Posts, you can download one at: http://www.legion.org/documents/legion/pdf/disaster_07.pdf

Thanks & 73,

Bill, NZ9S

  • Ham Radio