1600 – 1645 hrs ET 7.238 MHz Twelve TALARC members and one visitor checked into the club’s Dec. 8 HF net. Propagation was good and signals strong – almost all S9 and above -- though the QRN level was high, possibly due to widespread “wintry mix” precipitation. The net was relaxed and punctuated with some pleasant rag chewing. Most of the ops checking in had joined us previously. The non-veteran visitor, Hargrove, KE4RUN, is the son of a WWII vet and a former Sons of The American Legion member. He was invited to rejoin SAL and become a TALARC member as well. Check-ins:
1600 – 1645 hrs ET
7.238 MHz
Twelve TALARC members and one visitor checked into the club’s Dec. 8 HF net. Propagation was good and signals strong – almost all S9 and above -- though the QRN level was high, possibly due to widespread “wintry mix” precipitation.
The net was relaxed and punctuated with some pleasant rag chewing. Most of the ops checking in had joined us previously. The non-veteran visitor, Hargrove, KE4RUN, is the son of a WWII vet and a former Sons of The American Legion member. He was invited to rejoin SAL and become a TALARC member as well.
N9HKN Bill Glenview, IL
N4TGZ Bruce Ashland, VA
K9PNP Mitch Princeton, IN
W8KYZ Tom Avon Lake, OH
N0EGV Ken Newhall, IA
KC9OQS John Connersville, IN
KE4RUN Hargrove Coats, NC
K1THP Dave Farmington, CT
K3DMW Dave Baltimore
W4IOW Ray Norfolk
N3XTF Steve Abington. PA
K2XC Steve Hoboken, NJ
N2ROD Pat Yonkers, NY
Submitted 09 Dec. 2013
Craig Roberts, Net Control Manager
NZ9S conducted the monthly Saturday IRLP net on the Crossroads Reflector, channel 9205, on Saturday, December 7, 2013. The net began on schedule at 1400 EST (1900 UTC) and concluded at 1411 EDT (1911 UTC). There were 2 check-ins including net control.
Fixed Stations:
K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, Indiana
Net Control read the following announcements:
Net Announcements December 7, 2013
Brochures about The American Legion Amateur Radio Club and the value of amateur radio to posts in communities in assisting with emergency communications are now available. You can request them in limited quantities by sending an email to k9tal@legion.org or you can download them from the TALARC webpage at www.legion.org/hamradio.
Everyone is invited to participate in the email discussion forum available at the club webpage: www.legion.org/hamradio. Just scroll down and click on the word “forum” to enter or begin a discussion thread on any club related topic.
TALARC is always looking for your photos of post amateur radio activities to post on the website.
Any posts planning to operate an ARRL Field Day station in June are especially encouraged to send photos and a written story about your operation to TALARC. K9tal@legion.org.
TALARC Monthly Net Alert:
As a reminder for you HF operators, our monthly HF Net has moved to 40 meters. The day, time and frequency will be the second SUNDAY of the month on 7.238 MHz LSB at 2100Z (1600 EST). The next net at the new time and day is tomorrow, December 8, 2013, at 2100UTC.
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club Station, K9TAL, located at the American Legion National Headquarters in Indianapolis, has begun Wednesday operations from 1200 noon to 1:30 Eastern Daylight Time (that’s 1700-1830 UTC). We’ll be calling CQ and listening on 20M on or near 14.270 Mhz. This is not a weekly net but a fun time to give K9TAL a call on Wednesdays. We will be operating on Wednesday, December 11 and Wednesday, December 18, again beginning at noon EDT or 1700 UDT. Successful QSOs of course may send us a SASE for a QSL card. Complete details on www.legion.org/hamradio on the Forum page.
Free Artwork is now available for your website or QSL card showing your membership in The American Legion Amateur Radio Club. Just email a request to k9tal@legion.org.
TALARC is collecting pictures and articles regarding Ham Radio and Disaster Preparedness to promote training in this area. Those American Legion posts and members with recent disaster preparedness experiences may share them on our website or by email to k9tal@legion.org.
End of announcements.
As always, special thanks extended to Dave, K9DC, for the use of the Crossroads Repeater.
Submitted by Bill, NZ9S, IRLP Net Control, TALARC
- Ham Radio