February 20, 2013

TALARC Special Event Station in March

Ham Radio
Club Updates

The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) will operate N9L – November Niner Legion – as a special event station to commemorate the 94th birthday of the nation’s largest veterans organization, headquartered in Indianapolis. In addition to operating SSB on 14.270 MHz +/- 5 KHz, Central Indiana stations may contact N9L on 146.46 Simplex, or via IRLP Node 4816, on Friday, March 15, between 10 a.m. EDT (1400 UTC) and 4 p.m. EDT (2000 UTC) and Saturday, March 16, between 9 a.m. EDT (1300 UTC) and 4 p.m. EDT (2000 UTC). N9L will also be available via IRLP Node 4816.

The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) will operate N9L – November Niner Legion – as a special event station to commemorate the 94th birthday of the nation’s largest veterans organization, headquartered in Indianapolis. In addition to operating SSB on 14.270 MHz +/- 5 KHz, Central Indiana stations may contact N9L on 146.46 Simplex, or via IRLP Node 4816, on Friday, March 15, between 10 a.m. EDT (1400 UTC) and 4 p.m. EDT (2000 UTC) and Saturday, March 16, between 9 a.m. EDT (1300 UTC) and 4 p.m. EDT (2000 UTC). N9L will also be available via IRLP Node 4816. A full color N9L certificate will be sent on receipt of a 9x12 inch SASE to TALARC, The American Legion National HQS, 700 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204.

  • Ham Radio