April 14, 2014

April 12, 2014 - Net Report

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net Control Station NZ9S conducted the monthly net on IRLP channel 9735, EchoLink CROSSRDS Conference, on Saturday, April 12, 2014. The net began on schedule at 1400 ET (1800 UTC) and concluded at 1429 ET (1829 UTC). There were 18 check-ins, of which approximately half were conducted via EchoLink. NZ9S, Bill, Net Control W9WMJ, Marty, Indianapolis KJ9M, Joe, Carmel, IN K9DC, Dave, Indianapolis, IN K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN W9MNA, Mike, Cumberland, IN K6FCC, Khalil, Beverly Hills, CA WA2VFK, Lee, Mantua, NJ KF7WWP, Roger, Apache Junction AZ K7ZZQ, Johnny, Layton, UT

Net Control Station NZ9S conducted the monthly net on IRLP channel 9735, EchoLink CROSSRDS Conference, on Saturday, April 12, 2014. The net began on schedule at 1400 ET (1800 UTC) and concluded at 1429 ET (1829 UTC). There were 18 check-ins, of which approximately half were conducted via EchoLink.
NZ9S, Bill, Net Control
W9WMJ, Marty, Indianapolis
KJ9M, Joe, Carmel, IN
K9DC, Dave, Indianapolis, IN
K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN
W9MNA, Mike, Cumberland, IN
K6FCC, Khalil, Beverly Hills, CA
WA2VFK, Lee, Mantua, NJ
KF7WWP, Roger, Apache Junction AZ
K7ZZQ, Johnny, Layton, UT
AH6JA, Harvey, Hilo, HI
KC9ZBO, William, Indianapolis, IN
KC9KHN, Richard, Dunkirk, IN
KD0QMC, William, Littlefork, MN
N7YUR, James, Cave Junction, OR
K6JVT, Shawn, Yellowstone NP, WY
N9HKN, William, Glenview, IL
K7ZZQ, Johnny, Layton, UT

Connection tested 30 minutes prior to net. Dave, K9DC, dropped 9735 prior to net scheduled start time in order to disrupt music coming into the CROSSRDS conference (99735) via an open mike on EchoLink. Net Control was able to reconnect without problems or interference and began the net on schedule.

Unfortunately, the open mike situation returned within a few moments. K9DC then successfully blocked the source and the net began again. Net Control also experienced technical issue with mike cord. Joe, KJ9M, and Marty, W9WMJ, immediately took over as ANCs until Net Control returned.

Despite these difficulties, addition of EchoLink was seamless. Net Control was also able to display CROSSRDS EchoLink activity on a separate monitor.

Monthly TALARC Net Schedule
75 METERS, EVERY SATURDAY, 3919 KHz, 1800 CST (0000 UTC) with Art, KG4EYG
20 METERS, 2ND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, 14.310 MHz, 1100 CST (1700 UTC) with Bill, KI0CW
40 METERS, 2ND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH, 7.238 MHz, 1700 EST (2200 UTC) has been suspended until we can identify a net control operator for this band.

The TALARC IRLP Net, for those of you with UHF/VHF and access to a local IRLP repeater, is held the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Eastern (1900 UTC) on the IRLP Channel 9735 (instead of the usual 9205). This new channel, which is also the EchoLink CROSSRDS Conference, allows EchoLink users to participate in the net.

Other announcements:
• Steve, N1AB, in Orange, Calif, runs a 20 meter PSK31 net for TALARC digital mode fans. It will be held at 2200 UTC daily (or as his schedule permits) on or around 14.070 MHz.
• Joe, KJ9M, made an announcement regarding the TALARC booth at the Dayton Hamvention May 15-18, 2014
• Lee, WA2VFK, made an announcement regarding NJ Post 133 activities promoting Amateur Radio within the department of New Jersey.
• Dave, K9DC, advised the Net participants of the dangers of open-mike or VOX-operated computer or telephone-based EchoLink stations. It is very easy to be “transmitting” room sounds and thus inadvertently blocking other activity. The same is true, of course, for any RF-based station as well.

As always, we invite all amateur-licensed wartime veterans and family members to join The American Legion Amateur Radio Club. Membership is free to hams who are members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion.

More information about the club is available at www.legion.org/hamradio.

Net Control

  • Ham Radio