January 10, 2014

New TALARC net schedule announced

Ham Radio
Club Updates

NEW AMERICAN LEGION AMATEUR RADIO CLUB HF NET SCHEDULE BEGINNING SATURDAY, JAN. 11 75 METERS, EVERY SATURDAY, 3919 KHz, 1800 CST (0000 UTC) with Art, KG4EYG 20 METERS, 2ND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, 14.310 MHz, 1100 CST (1700 UTC) with Bill, KI0CW 40 METERS, 2ND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH, 7.238 MHz, 1700 EST (2200 UTC) with Craig, W3CRR Our HF nets are finally beginning to take shape. Here are the latest developments:


75 METERS, EVERY SATURDAY, 3919 KHz, 1800 CST (0000 UTC) with Art, KG4EYG

20 METERS, 2ND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, 14.310 MHz, 1100 CST (1700 UTC) with Bill, KI0CW

40 METERS, 2ND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH, 7.238 MHz, 1700 EST (2200 UTC) with Craig, W3CRR

Our HF nets are finally beginning to take shape. Here are the latest developments:

Down in Huntsville, Ala., Art, KG4EYG, has begun a 75 meter phone net on Saturdays - 3919 KHz at 1800 CST (0000 UTC). Art chose the frequency as a tribute to the Legion's March 1919 founding, when members of the American Expeditionary Force convened in Paris for the first American Legion caucus. Big kudos to Art. Outstanding! Please join him and his friends - 1800 CST (0000 UTC), Saturdays on 3919 KHz. Incidentally, Art retired not long ago after 26 years in Army aviation. He was an Apache helicopter maintenance test pilot. Also outstanding!

In windswept South Dakota, our old and good friend Bill, KI0CW, is revitalizing our traditional 20 meter net on the second Saturday of each month. You're invited to check in with him starting at 1100 CST (1700 UTC) on or near 14.310 MHz. Bill's always had good luck getting check-ins from the West Coast. Please give him a shout.

I am continuing our new 40 meter nets on the second Saturday of each month as well. The time has been revised to accommodate our friends on the long established Kenwood Hybrid Net (great group of guys). So, until further notice, we will convene at 1700 EST (2200 UTC) on or around 7.238 MHz.

One way or another - let's chat!

Oh - our membership roster now numbers very near 1,600! Wow! Ours is one of the fastest-growing clubs in ham radio.


HF Net Control Manager
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club

  • Ham Radio