Net Control Station NZ9S conducted the monthly Saturday IRLP/Echolink net on the Crossroads Reflector, channel 9735, on Saturday, July 12, 2014. Echolink users participated by connecting to the CROSSRDS conference via *CROSSRDS* (aka 99735.) The net began on schedule at 1400 EDT (1800 UTC) and concluded at 1418 EDT (1818 UTC). There were 14 check-ins, including Net Control: NCS NZ9S, Bill, Sheridan, IN W9MNA, Mike, Cumberland, IN KJ9M, Joe, Carmel, IN K9DC, David, Indianapolis, IN W9WMJ, Marty, Indianapolis, IN K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN K9TLM, Teri, Springfield, IL
Net Control Station NZ9S conducted the monthly Saturday IRLP/Echolink net on the Crossroads Reflector, channel 9735, on Saturday, July 12, 2014. Echolink users participated by connecting to the CROSSRDS conference via *CROSSRDS* (aka 99735.) The net began on schedule at 1400 EDT (1800 UTC) and concluded at 1418 EDT (1818 UTC). There were 14 check-ins, including Net Control:
NCS NZ9S, Bill, Sheridan, IN
W9MNA, Mike, Cumberland, IN
KJ9M, Joe, Carmel, IN
K9DC, David, Indianapolis, IN
W9WMJ, Marty, Indianapolis, IN
K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN
K9TLM, Teri, Springfield, IL
N2MWI, Peter, Model City, NY
WA2VFK, Lee, Mantua, NJ
K7ZZQ, Johnny, Layton, UT
KC0VYP, Gary, Gardner, KS
KK4TWM, Alexandria, VA
W7LEV, Larry, Cave Junction, OR (Post 70)
KD0JQS, Richard, Olathe, KS
Net Control read the following announcements:
Because the American Legion website has been updated with a new design, there is no longer a button on the main page to take you to the TALARC site. You will either have to type in the URL:, OR go to the main Legion website, highlight “Programs” and then click on Amateur Radio Club. As always, questions, discussions and ideas are welcome on the TALARC forum.
If you have not been receiving TALARC updates by email, it may be that we don’t have your email address on record. If you have any doubt, or want to get on TALARC email distribution – or if your email address has changed since you joined TALARC - please send us your new email address so we can update our database and ensure that you receive the latest club information. Send your changes to, attn: Joe, KJ9M.
The monthly 20 METER American Legion Amateur Radio Club Net that meets the 2nd Saturday of each month with Net Control Bill, KI0CW, runs on or about 14.280 MHz. The net is held at 1700 Zulu.
The weekly American Legion 75 Meter Net runs EVERY SATURDAY on 3919 KHz, at 2000 CDT (0100 UTC) with Net Control Art, KG4EYG.
IRLP – Echolink NET
The American Legion IRLP/Echolink Net is gaining momentum and continues to grow. It is held the 2nd Saturday of every month at 2 p.m. EDT (1800 UTC). To add Echolink operability, we’ve moved to IRLP CHANNEL 9735. For Echolink users, you may connect using conference call sign *CROSSRDS* (aka 99735.)
Any TALARC members who will be attending the American Legion National Convention in Charlotte next month and are interested in the possibility of holding an informal TALARC meeting, please send along your request with your thoughts on the best time to meet to If there is enough interest, we will try to find a location at the convention center. We will be monitoring 146.46 simplex and probably a local repeater also. More info will be forthcoming.
Again, send your suggestions to More information about the club is available at
Bill Sloan, NZ9S
Net Control
Sheridan, Indiana
- Ham Radio