January 12, 2015

IRLP/Echolink TALARC Net Report for Jan. 10, 2015

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net Control Station NZ9S conducted the monthly net on IRLP channel 9735 and the EchoLink CROSSRDS Conference on Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015. The net began at 1400 ET (1900 UTC) and concluded at 1953 ET (1953 UTC). There were 17 check-ins, including Net Control. AJ3A, Ben, Glenarden, MD KA8MKA, Wade, Wilton Manors, FL KB3IIE, Ken, Upper Marlboro, MD KB9WPU, Howard, Brownsburg, IN KF6HHH, Dan, Woodland, CA KJ9M, Joe, Carmel, IN K4VPR, Terry, Miami, FL K6FCC, Khalil, Beverly Hills, CA K6DLC, Dan, Redwood City, CA K7ZZQ, Johnny, Ogden, UT K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN

Net Control Station NZ9S conducted the monthly net on IRLP channel 9735 and the EchoLink CROSSRDS Conference on Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015. The net began at 1400 ET (1900 UTC) and concluded at 1953 ET (1953 UTC). There were 17 check-ins, including Net Control.
AJ3A, Ben, Glenarden, MD
KA8MKA, Wade, Wilton Manors, FL
KB3IIE, Ken, Upper Marlboro, MD
KB9WPU, Howard, Brownsburg, IN
KF6HHH, Dan, Woodland, CA
KJ9M, Joe, Carmel, IN
K4VPR, Terry, Miami, FL
K6FCC, Khalil, Beverly Hills, CA
K6DLC, Dan, Redwood City, CA
K7ZZQ, Johnny, Ogden, UT
K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN
NZ9S, Bill, Sheridan, IN (Net Control)
N2MWI, Bill, Ocean View, NJ
WA3DVO, Everett, Palmer Park, MD
WA5LIE, Fred, Sanger, Texas
W9MNA, Mike, Indianapolis, IN
W9WMJ, Marty, Greenwood, IN

Announcements read:
Net Announcements
January 10, 2014
With the new year, The American Legion Amateur Radio Club is now one of the nation’s largest clubs, officially surpassing the 2,000-member mark this week. Details can be found on the TALARC website at www.legion.org/hamradio.
Amateur radio and The American Legion Amateur Radio Club will be featured in the March 2015 issue of The American Legion Magazine, which should be in your mailbox in mid- to late February. With a circulation of over 2.3 million, our hope is that it inspires more members of The American Legion Family to consider getting licensed and joining TALARC. Our club is also prominently featured in the new American Legion publication "Disaster Preparedness and Response for American Legion Posts." You can download a copy at www.legion.org/publications/160967/disaster-preparedness-guide. To get a hard-copy booklet, email your request to pr@legion.org.
If you have not been receiving TALARC updates by email, it may be that we don’t have your correct email address on record. If you have any doubt, or want to get on TALARC email distribution – or if your email address has changed since you joined TALARC - please send us your new email address so we can update our database and ensure that you receive the latest club information. Send your changes to k9tal@legion.org. Let us know also if your snail-mail address has changed. Please check with other TALARC members in your area to assure that they are receiving email updates and notifications.
The monthly 20 METER American Legion Amateur Radio Club Net that meets the 2nd Saturday of each month with net control Bill, KI0CW, runs on or about 14.280 MHz. The net is held at 1800 Zulu.
The TALARC 40 METER Net meets the 3RD SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH on 7.243 MHz, at 1700 EST (2200 UTC) or immediately following the Drake Technical Net. Terry, KE6RWB, is Net Control from Phoenix. And EVERY Sunday, the California American Legion Amateur Radio Service (CALARS) Net meets on 7278 MHz at 2100 hours UTC (1300 PST). All TALARC members are welcome to check in.
IRLP – Echolink NET
The American Legion IRLP/Echolink Net is gaining momentum and continues to grow. It is held the second Saturday of every month at 2 p.m. EST (1900 UTC). To add Echolink operability, we’ve moved to IRLP CHANNEL 9735. For Echolink users, you may connect using conference call sign *CROSSRDS* (aka 99735.) Until we find a volunteer net control for a ten meter net, the IRLP/Echolink net is perfect for all Technician class members to check in and participate in TALARC ops.
D-Star NET
The D-Star net will meet Monday, Jan. 19, at 0200 UTC (9 pm EST) on REF001C. Net Control is Mark, W2UIS, of Post 1034 in Wallkill, N.Y. Fire up your Dongles, DVAPs, Hot Spots or local D-STAR repeater, link to Reflector “One Charlie” and join the net.
TALARC members are encouraged to consider holding local and regional nets at times and bands convenient to members. Just drop us a line and let us know your schedules – we will post them on the national TALARC webpage.
A reminder that if you are an honorary life member or a Paid-Up-For-Life [PUFL] member of the Legion, you are also a life member of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club. To get your life member TALARC certificate, email k9tal@legion.org.
Be sure to check out and use the Ham Radio Forum on the TALARC website. It’s a great online community center where you can get tips and ideas on getting TALARC active at your post, as well as other TALARC-related comments from hams around the world. Just go to www.legion.org/hamradio and click on Ham Radio Forum.
Plans are underway for the next American Legion Amateur Radio Club Special Event. K9TAL will operate in March to commemorate the 96th birthday of The American Legion. Once again, a special commemorative certificate will be available as well as a QSL card. More details will be forthcoming on times, band and mode.
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Submitted by Bill, NZ9S, Net Control

  • Ham Radio