January 20, 2015

TALARC 40 Meter Net Report, Jan. 18, 2015

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net Control station Terry, KE6RWB, conducted the TALARC 40 Meter Net on 7.243 MHz at 1700 EST (2200 UTC) Sunday, Jan. 18. A newly returned-to-the-air net, there were two check-ins: John, K6JMQ, and Brian, KG6IVW.This net meets the 3rd Sunday of every month and all are invited. 73, Terry, KE6RWB 40 Meter TALARC Net Control

Net Control station Terry, KE6RWB, conducted the TALARC 40 Meter Net on 7.243 MHz at 1700 EST (2200 UTC) Sunday, Jan. 18. A newly returned-to-the-air net, there were two check-ins: John, K6JMQ, and Brian, KG6IVW.This net meets the 3rd Sunday of every month and all are invited.

Terry, KE6RWB
40 Meter TALARC Net Control

  • Ham Radio