The American Legion Amateur Radio Club HQS Station - K9TAL- will operate a Special Event Station commemorating the 96th birthday of The American Legion on Saturday, March 14. An attractive full-color commemorative certificate and QSL card will be available for all who make contact with K9TAL this Saturday; a certificate will also be available for SWLs who submit a SINPO signal report by copying two QSOs with Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club HQS Station - K9TAL- will operate a Special Event Station commemorating the 96th birthday of The American Legion on Saturday, March 14.
An attractive full-color commemorative certificate and QSL card will be available for all who make contact with K9TAL this Saturday; a certificate will also be available for SWLs who submit a SINPO signal report by copying two QSOs with Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
Operations will be from 1300 to 2030 UTC (9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT) on 14.275 MHz +/- 5 KHz. Members may also use IRLP Node 9735 or Echolink *CROSSRDS* (9735); and in Central Indiana on 146.46 MHz Simplex and the 147.315 Repeater (94.8).
After contact, send a 9X12 S.A.S.E. with QSL card or QSO info to:
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club
700 N. Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
- Ham Radio