Making the Most of TALARC's Growth
Last month, while leafing through current online articles about amateur radio licensing, I learned that our overall numbers are up. Considerably so. An FCC report issued at the end of March 2016 shows that more than 737,000 folks in the United States now hold valid credentials for amateur radio operation. And that, according to the many charts and graphs available on the subject from numerous sources, points to an all-time high in membership. Amateur radio is growing!
Refreshingly, The American Legion Amateur Radio Club's numbers are, too, at an all-time high. TALARC members from the Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion today number more than 2,700. TALARC is growing! With this progress comes the question, again, of how best to harness those numbers to further enhance growth, develop a presence and increase participation by TALARC at the post, district and department levels.
An answer to that question is, in part, set out in an article titled "Where are All the New Hams?" by Joseph Lawrence, K9RFZ, ARRL Indiana Section Manager. In the article, Joe addresses the need for clubs to be interesting and fun, the need to reach out to new hams, and the need to mentor them. His article speaks to growth and participation within amateur radio clubs. But he offers ideas that, I believe, have application for TALARC members, whether they are individuals looking to generate interest in order to form a small group, or existing Legion radio groups that desire to enhance their activities and operations.
He sums his article up well with this reminder to all hams: "We join amateur radio for entertainment and diversion from daily routines. Keep amateur radio exciting and help newly licensed hams feel the excitement that has kept you in the hobby. New hams aren't hiding; they may just need some encouragement to get involved."
With thanks to Joseph, here is the link to the ARRL Indiana Section's March newsletter:
Marty Justis, W9WMJ
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club
Indianapolis, IN
- Ham Radio