More than 200 check-ins logged.
This year's Veterans Day Special Event Station, call sign K9TAL, operated by The American Legion Amateur Radio Club from its facilities at Legion National HQ on Nov. 11, was a great one. More than 200 check-ins were logged through the seven-hour day. HF contacts led the way with 166. The balance came to us via IRLP and D-Star operations.
For their assistance with the event, the TALARC board extends its thanks to Mark, W2UIS, for D-Star ops, and to both Everett, WA3DVO, and Bill, KI0CW, for their relay operations on the 20 Meter band. While those who worked K9TAL from the radio room at National HQ appreciated the two short breaks when Everett and Bill handled check-ins, more important to our efforts is that their QTHs in Maryland and South Dakota, respectively, gave opportunity for more of our members to participate in honoring our nation's veterans on their "special" day.
Remember, those who contacted the K9TAL station are eligible to receive a certificate to commemorate the activity. If you haven't gotten your certificate yet, send a 9X12 inch self-addressed stamped envelope to The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, 700 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Turn-around time has been swift and those who have requested a certificate should have it in hand now, or very, very soon.
- Ham Radio