IRLP Net Control stations Mike, W9MNA, conducted the TALARC IRLP Net on Crossroads REF-9735 via the Indianapolis K9DC Repeater - Saturday, July 9, 2016, at 1800 UTC. We had 5 check-ins including Net Control: K9SYK, Dwight, Danville, Indiana W9WMJ, Marty, Greenfield, Indiana N9SIU, BOB, Greenfield, Indiana KB8PET, Jim, Ohio W9MNA, Mike, Indianapolis, Indiana – Net Control After announcements, check-ins and conversations, the net concluded at about 1840 UTC. The next net will be Saturday, Aug. 13, 2016, at 1800 UTC. 73s, Mike, W9MNA IRLP Net Control
IRLP Net Control stations Mike, W9MNA, conducted the TALARC IRLP Net on Crossroads REF-9735 via the Indianapolis K9DC Repeater - Saturday, July 9, 2016, at 1800 UTC. We had 5 check-ins including Net Control:
K9SYK, Dwight, Danville, Indiana
W9WMJ, Marty, Greenfield, Indiana
N9SIU, BOB, Greenfield, Indiana
KB8PET, Jim, Ohio
W9MNA, Mike, Indianapolis, Indiana – Net Control
After announcements, check-ins and conversations, the net concluded at about 1840 UTC. The next net will be Saturday, Aug. 13, 2016, at 1800 UTC.
Mike, W9MNA
IRLP Net Control
- Ham Radio