September 29, 2016

Boy Scouts of America JOTA and amateur radio

Ham Radio

Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world.

Here's what BSA is telling their Scouts: "Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation and in your own community. This jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby amateur radio operator's ham shack. Many times you can find the hams will come to you by setting up a station at your Scout camporee, at the park down the block, or perhaps at a ham shack already set up at your council’s camp."
Here's how you can participate as an amateur radio operator: contact your local Scout council and see what may already be planned in your area and how you can help. You can find your council at
If nothing is currently planned, or if current plans aren’t reaching your area, you can work with the council or a local unit (pack, troop, crew) to set up a JOTA station or arrange for visits to your ham shack. You can also participate just by making QSOs with the many JOTA stations that will be on the air. A good resource to find a local Scout unit is the Be-A-Scout website at

  • Ham Radio