September 06, 2016

TALARC President's Message - September 2016

Ham Radio

National Convention ushers in new leadership, initiatives.

The 98th National Convention of The American Legion was gaveled to a close in Cincinnati, on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2016. A great deal of business was conducted in pre-convention meetings of the many national committees and commissions of the organization. And, as is customary, the final piece of business for the convention floor was the election and installation of officers – the new leaders – for the administrative year 2016-2017.
At the helm of The American Legion for the coming year is newly elected National Commander Charlie Schmidt. Schmidt enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1965 and served on active duty until his retirement in 1993. During that time he advanced from an administrative clerk to a distinguished graduate of the Air Force Officer Training School, earning a commission and assignments to executive support officer positions at major headquarters.
As an active-duty servicemember, Schmidt joined Story-Hardin Post 164 in Craig, Mo., in 1984. He transferred his Legion membership to Harney County Post 63 in Burns, Ore., when he moved to Oregon for a 15-year career at the Greater Oregon Federal Credit Union. He retired from the credit union as the executive vice president.
Newly elected national vice commanders of The American Legion are:
Paul L. Espinoza. A member of American Legion Post 13 in Albuquerque, N.M., Espinoza served in the U.S. Army in the 82nd Airborne Division and an additional 18 years in the New Mexico Army National Guard. He has held various offices at every level in The American Legion, including Department of New Mexico commander.
Paul Martel. A member of American Legion Post 120 in Holly Hill, Fla., Martel served in the U.S. Army. He has held various positions at every level of The American Legion, including Department of Florida commander. At the national level he served as a member of the National Security Commission and National Legislative Council, and was national sergeant-at-arms from 2009-2010.
\Vincent J. Troiola. A life member of American Legion Post 1682 in New City, N.Y., Troiola served in the U.S. Navy. He has held various positions at every level of The American Legion, including Department of New York commander. He is the current chairman of the Department of New York American Legion Centennial Task Force for the Future and is a member of the faculty of The American Legion College of New York. At the national level he served as a member of the Membership and Post Activities Committee and the National Security Commission.
Douglas L. Boldt. A 40-year continuous member of American Legion Post 59 in Callaway, Neb., Boldt served in the U.S. Navy. He has held various offices at all levels of The American Legion, including Department of Nebraska commander from 2003-2004. At the national level, he served as a member of the National Executive Committee, as an alternate NECman, and he served as a member of the National Security Commission and Homeland Security and Law Enforcement subcommittee.
Fae Casper. A member of American Legion Post 145 in Douglasville, Ga., Casper joined the Women's Army Corps and served at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. and Fort Bragg, N.C. She has held various positions at the post, department and national levels of The American Legion. She served as the Department of Georgia commander from 2008-2009, and as national historian from 2001-2002.
Newly elected top leaders of the ALA and SAL are:
Mary E. Davis, National President, the American Legion Auxiliary. Davis is a member of Pat Tillman Memorial Unit 53 in DuPont, Wash.
Jeff Frain, National Commander, The Sons of The American Legion. Frain is a member of Apache Junction Sons of the American Legion Squadron 27.
Congratulations to those mentioned above and to all those throughout the three organizations who will guide their post, squadron, unit, detachment or department in the coming year.
For TALARC members who are also American Legion Riders, you'll be both proud and pleased to know that the 11th annual American Legion Legacy Run [motorcycle trek from Indianapolis to the National Convention] raised $1,155,363 for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. The fund provides college money for the children of U.S. military personnel killed on active duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001, as well as the children of post-9/11 veterans with a VA disability rating of 50 percent or higher.
A great deal of information in regard to the people, events, activities and meetings of the 98th National Convention of The American Legion is on the Legion website at Check it out!

  • Ham Radio