Net Control Station K9TAL conducted the monthly IRLP/Echolink Wednesday net on IRLP channel 9735 Crossroads Reflector, linked to Echolink CROSSRDS Conference, on Wednesday, June 14. The net began at 9 p.m. EDT (0100 UTC) and concluded at 9:35 EDT (0135 UTC). There were 17 check-ins, including Net Control. K9TAL, Net Control/TALARC KC9ZAR, David, Washington, IN K9RDT, Chance, Bicknell, IN KD9GSY, Jim, Lake Zurich, IL W9WMJ, Marty, Greenwood, IN Post 180 KC9ZAP, Stevan, Washington, IN N6XLS, Doug, Sunnyvale, CA N7YUR, Jim, Cave Junction, OR Post 70 K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN
Net Control Station K9TAL conducted the monthly IRLP/Echolink Wednesday net on IRLP channel 9735 Crossroads Reflector, linked to Echolink CROSSRDS Conference, on Wednesday, June 14. The net began at 9 p.m. EDT (0100 UTC) and concluded at 9:35 EDT (0135 UTC). There were 17 check-ins, including Net Control.
K9TAL, Net Control/TALARC
KC9ZAR, David, Washington, IN
K9RDT, Chance, Bicknell, IN
KD9GSY, Jim, Lake Zurich, IL
W9WMJ, Marty, Greenwood, IN Post 180
KC9ZAP, Stevan, Washington, IN
N6XLS, Doug, Sunnyvale, CA
N7YUR, Jim, Cave Junction, OR Post 70
K9SYK, Dwight, Avon, IN
K9AWM, Andy, Washington, IN
NZ9S, Bill, Sheridan, IN (Net Control)
KB8PET, Jim, Wapakoneta, OH
K9DC, Dave, Carmel, IN
W5WMA, Bill, Hideaway, TX
KC9BUH, Mike, Birdseye, IN
KD2JEC, Jude, New Rochelle, NY
AF6TT, Leon, Montclair, CA
NZ9S and W9WMJ read announcements about Xenia Hamvention results, availability of new TALARC training video and convention/hamfest supplies, upcoming Field Day activities, and TALARC net schedules. Net Control NZ9S began experiencing connection problems with a fraying mike cord and Marty, W9WMJ, took over as Net Control 25 minutes into the net.
Jude, KD2JEC, from West Point, NY, made an announcement about his post’s support of the cadet-run amateur radio station at the United States Military Academy. Discussion turned to TALARC support of nets and radio club programs of all the service academies and other military amateur radio programs at installations or stations.
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Submitted by Bill, NZ9S, Net Control for K9TAL
- Ham Radio