May 09, 2017

D-Star net addition to accommodate western U.S.

Ham Radio

We now have an option on D-Star for the evening net.

Mark, W2UIS, in Wallkill, N.Y., has been Net Control for the TALARC monthly D-Star net since its beginning over a year ago. It's doing well. But he wants it to do better and he has effected a change in the net – actually added a second net – that may well do that.
Mark has operated the net on the first Monday of the month at 9 p.m. Eastern. That's 6 p.m. Pacific, just about the time many on the West Coast are having dinner. To help alleviate that situation for, in essence, all those west of the Mighty Mississippi, a second D-Star net has been scheduled at 9 p.m. Pacific on the same Monday, using the same reflector, REF 026A.
Either net, of course, is open to anyone who wishes to participate. In short, we now have an option on D-Star for the evening net.

  • Ham Radio