Net Control Station K9TAL conducted the monthly net on Crossroads EchoLink Conference Node 9735 on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017. The net was opened at 2100 ET [0100Z] and closed at 2143 ET [0143]. There were 8 total check-ins, including Net Control. Contact with the following radio operators was logged: AF6TT, Leon, CA N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA KG7NTV, Charlie, OR K7DEG, Doug, WA state N7YUR, Jim, OR KB2CT, Fred, Las Vegas, NV KD6SWL, Larry, CA W9MNA, TALARC Net Control, Mike, IN Announcements were made regarding the following subjects: • Special Event Station Veterans Day
Net Control Station K9TAL conducted the monthly net on Crossroads EchoLink Conference Node 9735 on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017. The net was opened at 2100 ET [0100Z] and closed at 2143 ET [0143]. There were 8 total check-ins, including Net Control.
Contact with the following radio operators was logged:
AF6TT, Leon, CA
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA
KG7NTV, Charlie, OR
K7DEG, Doug, WA state
N7YUR, Jim, OR
KB2CT, Fred, Las Vegas, NV
KD6SWL, Larry, CA
W9MNA, TALARC Net Control, Mike, IN
Announcements were made regarding the following subjects:
• Special Event Station Veterans Day
• Boy Scout Jamboree - JOTA
• D-Star Net volunteer
Discussion on the net was encouraged regarding the following:
• Net Control asked AF6TT, Leon, from California about the fires in Southern California and how they were affecting his community.
• Net Control opened the net to discussion about the impact of Southern California fires on other TALARC members living in the region.
• Charlie, KG7NTV, discussed his participation in setting up emergency communications during fires in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
The TALARC EchoLink/IRLP Net for Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017 closed at 2143 ET [0143 Z].
Submitted by Mike, W9MNA
- Ham Radio