Net Control station KE6RWB, Terry, conducted the monthly 40M net on Sunday, Aug. 20, from 2300 UTC to 0000 UTC (6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern) near 7.245 MHz. There were 5 check-ins, including Net Control. KM6BMY Bob, Reedy, CA, Post 23 W5MWI Mike, San Antonio, TX, Post 157 W1FUU Eric, New Hampshire Post 105, via remote access K6PHA Percy, Parumph, NV WA6LVX Paul, Bakersfield, CA KG6DVE John, CA (in his RV traveling)
Net Control station KE6RWB, Terry, conducted the monthly 40M net on Sunday, Aug. 20, from 2300 UTC to 0000 UTC (6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern) near 7.245 MHz. There were 5 check-ins, including Net Control.
KM6BMY Bob, Reedy, CA, Post 23
W5MWI Mike, San Antonio, TX, Post 157
W1FUU Eric, New Hampshire Post 105, via remote access
K6PHA Percy, Parumph, NV
WA6LVX Paul, Bakersfield, CA
KG6DVE John, CA (in his RV traveling)
Net notes: Band wasn’t great but did have some interest – word is getting out about our net times and days. Nearly all check-ins were TALARC members. Looking forward to improving band conditions.
Submitted by Terry, KE6RWB 73
- Ham Radio