Contacts made across the United States.
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) has once again conducted a special net event for the Legion's birthday, emanating from its radio room in the basement of National Headquarters in Indianapolis.
The March 10 event, which lasted six hours, involved hams making QSO contact to celebrate the Legion turning 99, as well as sending other well-wishes. Relay assistance to the National Headquarters site was provided by club stations and individuals across the country. According to TALARC President Marty Justis in his April President's Message, "As has been customary, the majority of contacts came via HF, where 265 log entries were made; 107 on 20m and 158 on 40m. Other modes of communication via VHF and UHF, which included simplex, IRLP and EchoLink, numbered 88. Bottom line: 353 QSOs, just under the 2017 figure of 360."
Those who participated in the birthday event can send in a 9-by-12-inch self-addressed stamped envelope and their call sign to "The American Legion National Headquarters, ATTN: TALARC, 700 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46204" for a QSL card and personalized special event certificate. Those interested in participating in a future TALARC special event should keep an eye out for November - the club conducts a similar event each year for Veterans Day.
- Ham Radio