August 25, 2018

K5TAL Net Report for Aug 15 2018

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Volume 2, Episode 20 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session on 3.825 MHz, by K5CUB, 7.238 MHz, by KA5DON and 145.110 MHz by KA5DON. There were 9 check-ins on 80m, 6 on 40m, 5 on 2m and 0 on EchoLink, Announcements are listed below. 80m 3.825 MHz check-ins 9 K5CUB, Lee, Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC KB5PCI Jim, Post 119 Gulfport MS TALARC WV1Q, AL, Heidelberg,MS, Legion/TALARC WA5GYM, Andy, Richton, MS, Legion/TALARC N7INO, Jim, Bradly Co, AR, Non-Vet K5ATW, Steve, Vicksburg, MS, Legion/TALARC KC9VFI, Doug, Altamont, IL, Non-Vet

Volume 2, Episode 20 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session on 3.825 MHz, by K5CUB, 7.238 MHz, by KA5DON and 145.110 MHz by KA5DON. There were 9 check-ins on 80m, 6 on 40m, 5 on 2m and 0 on EchoLink, Announcements are listed below.

80m 3.825 MHz check-ins 9

K5CUB, Lee, Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC
KB5PCI Jim, Post 119 Gulfport MS TALARC
WV1Q, AL, Heidelberg,MS, Legion/TALARC
WA5GYM, Andy, Richton, MS, Legion/TALARC
N7INO, Jim, Bradly Co, AR, Non-Vet
K5ATW, Steve, Vicksburg, MS, Legion/TALARC
KC9VFI, Doug, Altamont, IL, Non-Vet
KC9HYL, Jerry, Milan, IN, Vietnam Vet, Will look into AL Membership and TALARC
KM5MS, Dale, Hamilton, MS, Post 69, Will look into TALARC

40m 7.238 MHz check-ins 6

KA5DON Don Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC
KB5AGW Terri Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC
ND0K, Lee, Lee's Summitt, MO, Legion/TALARC
W5WMJ, Marty, Greenville, IN, TALARC President
KY0Z, Bruce, Papillion, NE, Unknown Affiliation
KD4SEV, Richard, Woodstock, GA, AF Retired will look into AL/TALARC

2 m 145.110 tone 123 check-ins 5

AF5AQ, Richard, Vancleave, MS Spouse of Retired CG
KC5ZLV, Tina, Vancleave, MS
AF5DP, Marilyn, Vancleave, MS, Retired CG
KB5KSA, Mike, Ocean Springs, MS Non-Vet
KB8VND, Ocean Springs, MS, AF

Announcements: American Legion Legacy Run read from August Announcements.

Announcements. N4DKD recommended for SDR reception of net. Monthly nets were listed.

Check-ins are accepted on HF frequencies, VHF on 145.110 Tone 123, EchoLink via text to KA5DON, or D-Star to REF 58 B Quick Key and text indicating K5TAL (no voice) but after the net I will give you a call. That way you can listen to the net on N4DKD and still have a way to check in.



  • Ham Radio