December 13, 2018

IRLP/EchoLink Net report 12/12/18

Ham Radio
Net Reports

IRLP/EchoLink Net Control station Mike, W9MNA operating as K9TAL, conducted the TALARC IRLP/EchoLink Net on Crossroads REF-9735 via the Indianapolis K9DC Repeater - Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at 2100 eastern time. We had 12 check-ins including Net Control: N6XLS, Doug, California, Post 380 KD9HHS, Zach, Indiana, Post 19 KG7NTV, Charlie, Oregon KD2JEC, Jude, N.Y., Post-979 KD0/ ZIP, Mike, S.D., Post 311 N9MAN, Jacob, IN W9WMJ, Marty, IN W7JLD, Jim, ID, Post 155 KA9WDX, Bernie, WI KD6SWL, Larry, Cal, Post 380 N7BBE, Ben, NV W9MNA, Mike, IN, Post 510, Net Control

IRLP/EchoLink Net Control station Mike, W9MNA operating as K9TAL, conducted the TALARC IRLP/EchoLink Net on Crossroads REF-9735 via the Indianapolis K9DC Repeater - Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at 2100 eastern time. We had 12 check-ins including Net Control:

N6XLS, Doug, California, Post 380
KD9HHS, Zach, Indiana, Post 19
KG7NTV, Charlie, Oregon
KD2JEC, Jude, N.Y., Post-979
KD0/ ZIP, Mike, S.D., Post 311
N9MAN, Jacob, IN
W9WMJ, Marty, IN
W7JLD, Jim, ID, Post 155
KA9WDX, Bernie, WI
KD6SWL, Larry, Cal, Post 380
N7BBE, Ben, NV
W9MNA, Mike, IN, Post 510, Net Control

Net Control read the announcements and since December is the month for Christmas, Net Control decided to conduct a Christmas trivia/history contest of sorts. Net Control asked questions about Christmas and those who checked into the net answered the questions. An example of a question is “What country did Silent Night originate?”
After announcements, check-ins and Christmas trivia, the net concluded at 2205 Eastern time. The next Wednesday evening, IRLP/EchoLink net will be Wednesday, January 9, 2019, at 2100 Eastern time.

Mike, W9MNA
IRLP/EchoLink Net Control

  • Ham Radio