Volume 2, Episode 16 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session on 3.825 MHz, by KA5DON, 7.238 MHz, by KA5DON and 145.110 MHz by KA5DON. There were 10 check-ins on 80m, 0 on 40m, 3 on 2m and 0 on Echolink, 1 via email. Announcements are listed below. 80m 3.825 MHz check-ins 10 KA5DON Don Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC KB5AGW Terri Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC W4BNT, TJ, Bartlett, TN, Legion/TALARC KB5PCI Jim, Post 119 Gulfport MS TALARC N7INO, Jim, Arkansas, Non-Vet K5DJW, Dave, Beaumont, MS Veteran
Volume 2, Episode 16 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session on 3.825 MHz, by KA5DON, 7.238 MHz, by KA5DON and 145.110 MHz by KA5DON. There were 10 check-ins on 80m, 0 on 40m, 3 on 2m and 0 on Echolink, 1 via email. Announcements are listed below.
80m 3.825 MHz check-ins 10
KA5DON Don Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC
KB5AGW Terri Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC
W4BNT, TJ, Bartlett, TN, Legion/TALARC
KB5PCI Jim, Post 119 Gulfport MS TALARC
N7INO, Jim, Arkansas, Non-Vet
K5DJW, Dave, Beaumont, MS Veteran
W5TUT, Ed, Hattiesburg, MS Legion/TALARC
Via Email, ND0K Lee, Lee's Summit, MO
40m 7.238 MHz check-ins 0
2 m 145.110 tone 123 check-ins 3
AF5AQ Richard Non-Member, Vancleave, MS
KG5KSA, Mike, Ocean Springs, MS, Non-Vet
KB8VND, Bob, Ocean Springs, MS, Vet
Announcements: Veterans Day N9V Special Event was read from July Net Announcements. N4DKD recommended for SDR reception of net. Monthly nets were listed.
MS SET will be held Sat, Aug. 4, and concept and plan of operations was explained by W5JGW.
Check-ins are accepted on HF frequencies, VHF on 145.110 Tone 123, Echolink via text to KA5DON, or D-Star to REF 58 B Quick Key and text indicating K5TAL (no voice), but after the net I will give you a call. That way you can listen to the net on N4DKD and still have a way to check in.
- Ham Radio