June 15, 2018

K5TAL Net Report for June 13 2018

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Volume 2, Episode 10 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session at 7 PM CDT on 3.825 MHz by Don Rand, KA5DON, and on 7.238 called by Lee Johnston, K5CUB. There were 19 check-ins. Announcements are listed below. 80 meters 3.825 mhz KA5DON Don Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC, NCS KB5AGW Terri Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC WA5GYM Andy Richland, MS, Marine Combat Engineer KG5RKJ Ricky Crystal Springs, MS, Veteran W5TUT Ed AL Member, TALARC, Hattiesburg, MS

Volume 2, Episode 10 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session at 7 PM CDT on 3.825 MHz by Don Rand, KA5DON, and on 7.238 called by Lee Johnston, K5CUB. There were 19 check-ins. Announcements are listed below.

80 meters 3.825 mhz
KA5DON Don Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC, NCS
KB5AGW Terri Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave MS, TALARC
WA5GYM Andy Richland, MS, Marine Combat Engineer
KG5RKJ Ricky Crystal Springs, MS, Veteran
W5TUT Ed AL Member, TALARC, Hattiesburg, MS
N7INO Jim Non Vet, Portable, Arkansas
K5DNB Dave Beaumont, MS, Non Vet

40 meters 7.238 MHz
K5CUB Lee Post 1992, TALARC, NCS
W9WMJ Marty Greenwood, IN, President TALARC
K4KWH Jerry Gastonia, SC, Unknown Affiliation
KK4ASA Jessie Savannah, GA, Unknown Affiliation

2 meters 145.110 Tone 123 KA5DON NCS
AF5AQ Richard Non-Member, Vancleave, MS
KC5ZLV Tina Wife of K5CUB, Vancleave, MS
KC5LCW Rod Post 1992, TALARC, Gautier, MS
W5JGW JEFF Retired AF, Non Member, Biloxi, MS
KB5KSA Mike Non Vet, Ocean Springs, MS
AF5DP Marilyn Retired CG, Non Member, Vancleave, MS
AB5FU Harry Non Vet, Diamondhead, MS
K5BQJ Nick AF Veteran, Vancleave, MS

# -------NEW CHECK INS--------:

From the June Net announcements: National Amateur Radio Field Day; activation of K5TAL station at least part-time as an operating opportunity for some of our newly licensed, or long licensed but just now returning to the air, members.
Legion.org/hamradio for TALARC activities and net schedules.



  • Ham Radio