June 13, 2018

TALARC EchoLink Conference Net Report for Saturday, June 9, 2018

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on the Family Motor Coach Association Amateur Radio Chapter *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node on Saturday, June 9, 2018. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1258 ET [1658Z]. There were 11 check-ins logged, including Net Control. Contact with the following radio operators was logged: W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180 W7JLD, Jim; Priest River, ID; Post 15 N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 380 KM6SDM, David; Lockwood, CA; Post 50 K8DHH, John; Taylor, MI; Department HQ Post

Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on the Family Motor Coach Association Amateur Radio Chapter *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node on Saturday, June 9, 2018. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1258 ET [1658Z]. There were 11 check-ins logged, including Net Control.

Contact with the following radio operators was logged:
W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180
W7JLD, Jim; Priest River, ID; Post 15
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 380
KM6SDM, David; Lockwood, CA; Post 50
K8DHH, John; Taylor, MI; Department HQ Post
*KC6UIS, Bob; Pacific Palisades, CA; Post 283 [TALARC KI6IRL]
*KN4GUS, Ken; Raleigh, NC; Post 187 [TALARC WF4TAL]
KM6TOI, Annie; Lockwood, CA; ALA Unit 50
*W4CEC, Chris; Raleigh, NC; Post 187 [TALARC WF4TAL]
*N7NET, Scott; Crossett, AR; Post 111 [TALARC KG5YJF]
*WA3DVO, Everett; Palmer Park, MD; Post 275 [TALARC N3TAL]
* Local American Legion Amateur Radio Club represented

Announcements were made regarding the following subjects:
• National Amateur Radio Field Day
• June 14 is the “Birthday” of the Flag
• Post Officer Change of Command

Four Legion post clubs were represented on today’s net. Discussion was had, in general, on Field Day operations to be carried out on June 23 and 24. *** David, KM6SDM, introduced his XYL, Annie, call sign KM6TOI, to those on the net. Annie, an American Legion Auxiliary member, was welcomed. She noted that she had just received her Tech license within the last couple of weeks and was going to take the exam for General soon. Annie, along with husband Dave, will participate in Field Day activities in their area. She will also join TALARC via the website. *** Ken, KN4GUS, checked in from a remote station he was operating as part of the North Carolina National Parks on the Air program, noting he was working 20 meters and had logged 18 contacts. *** John, K8DHH, reported that he will be working Field Day operations with the Motor City ARC, call sign W8MRM, and that he would be participating in the “contesting” portion of FD. *** Chris, W4CEC, reported that he and two other amateurs had joined together to instruct local Scouts on the Boy Scouts of America Radio Merit Badge. Their first session is set for Aug. 18, with plans to conduct the sessions quarterly going forward. Chris noted that there is information about this merit badge, along with a PowerPoint presentation for teaching it, at https://www.k2bsa.net/radio-merit-badge-2/. The National BSA Club call sign is K2BSA. Chris mentioned that he had been in contact recently with N1MN, Eldon, in Georgia, who has conducted 73 VE tests over the last month. *** Scott, N7NET, reported that he and four others from his AL Post 111 have been approved by the FCC as an official club, call sign KG5YJF. His post has given the club space within the post home to operate as a club and as a station. Scott mentioned that they will be operating on VHF/UHF and 40 to 10 meters. This action makes Post 111’s club the newest among the more than 30 TALARC clubs nationwide. *** General discussion ended about 1240 hours ET. The net remained open for late check-ins until 1258 ET [1658Z].

Submitted by Marty, W9WMJ

  • Ham Radio