IRLP/Echolink Net Control station Mike, W9MNA operating as K9TAL, conducted the TALARC IRLP/Echolink Net on Crossroads REF-9735 via the Indianapolis K9DC Repeater - Wednesday, May 9, 2018, at 2100 Eastern time. We had 11 check-ins including Net Control: KE8CEO, Robert, Cleveland, OH K7DEG, Dave, California, Post 50 K9NWG, Nick, Indy, IN N6XLS, Doug, California, Post 380 KD6SWL, Larry, Cal K9SYK, Dwight, IN W9TPB, Tom, TN N2MEP, Mike, N.J. K7RBC, Richard, WA AF2NY, Ron, Manhattan, N.Y. W9MNA, Mike, Indiana, Post 510
IRLP/Echolink Net Control station Mike, W9MNA operating as K9TAL, conducted the TALARC IRLP/Echolink Net on Crossroads REF-9735 via the Indianapolis K9DC Repeater - Wednesday, May 9, 2018, at 2100 Eastern time. We had 11 check-ins including Net Control:
KE8CEO, Robert, Cleveland, OH
K7DEG, Dave, California, Post 50
K9NWG, Nick, Indy, IN
N6XLS, Doug, California, Post 380
KD6SWL, Larry, Cal
K9SYK, Dwight, IN
W9TPB, Tom, TN
N2MEP, Mike, N.J.
K7RBC, Richard, WA
AF2NY, Ron, Manhattan, N.Y.
W9MNA, Mike, Indiana, Post 510
The net discussed the various upcoming American Legion Memorial Day celebrations at posts and communities around the net.
Net Control also read the quoted statement from the American Legion commander regarding amateur radio. Specifically, the role The American Legion Amateur Radio Club performed during and after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico…
“After tremendous support from members of The American Legion all over the United States, the National Executive Committeeman Angel O. Narvaez-Negron wished to thank The American Legion Amateur Radio Club members and others who contributed time and effort for disaster relief and emergency communications during and after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. He spoke with American Legion National Commander Denise Rohan about the importance of amateur radio.”
After announcements, check-ins and conversations, the net concluded at 2146 Eastern time. The next Wednesday evening IRLP/Echolink net will be Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at 2100 Eastern time.
Mike, W9MNA
IRLP/Echolink Net Control
- Ham Radio