September 03, 2018


Ham Radio
Net Reports

Volume 2, Episode 22 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was NOT called into session. 7.238 MHz, by KA5DON and 145.110 MHz by KA5DON. There were 0 check-ins on 80m, 2 on 40m, 2 on 2m and 0 on Echolink. Announcements are listed below. 80m was not called due to equipment failure. 40m had only NCS KA5DON and KB5AGW. 2m had 2 check-ins: K9EYZ and KB5KSA. "The 100th Anniversary of the American Legion" was read from the August Net Announcements. Announcements. N4DKD recommended for SDR reception of net. Monthly nets were listed.

Volume 2, Episode 22 - The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was NOT called into session. 7.238 MHz, by KA5DON and 145.110 MHz by KA5DON. There were 0 check-ins on 80m, 2 on 40m, 2 on 2m and 0 on Echolink. Announcements are listed below.

80m was not called due to equipment failure.

40m had only NCS KA5DON and KB5AGW.

2m had 2 check-ins: K9EYZ and KB5KSA.

"The 100th Anniversary of the American Legion" was read from the August Net Announcements.

Announcements. N4DKD recommended for SDR reception of net. Monthly nets were listed.

Check-ins are accepted on HF frequencies, VHF on 145.110 Tone 123, Echolink via text to KA5DON, or D-Star to REF 58 B Quick Key and text indicating K5TAL (no voice) but after the net I will give you a call. That way you can listen to the net on N4DKD and still have a way to check in.



  • Ham Radio