April 16, 2019

TALARC EchoLink Conference Net Report for April 10, 2019

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on K9DC’s IRLP Node 9735 and *CROSSRDS* EchoLink Conference Node on Wednesday, April 10. The net was opened at 2100 EDT [0100Z] and closed at 2150 [0150Z]. Four check-ins participated in the evening’s operations, including the Net Control Station. Contact with the following radio operators was logged: W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180 W9MNA, Mike; Greenfield, IN; Post 510 N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 380 [Amateur Radio Post 380 Club] KN4FCV, Michael; Knoxville, TN; Post 2 [TALARC Club AL4US]

Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on K9DC’s IRLP Node 9735 and *CROSSRDS* EchoLink Conference Node on Wednesday, April 10. The net was opened at 2100 EDT [0100Z] and closed at 2150 [0150Z]. Four check-ins participated in the evening’s operations, including the Net Control Station.
Contact with the following radio operators was logged:
W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180
W9MNA, Mike; Greenfield, IN; Post 510
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 380 [Amateur Radio Post 380 Club]
KN4FCV, Michael; Knoxville, TN; Post 2 [TALARC Club AL4US]

Announcements read included the following:
Legion Radio Club newsletter for April; quick summary
Reminder about the New EchoLink net hosted by N7ALR and Post 155 in Idaho
Reminder on Hamvention, May 2019
Fishing for Freedom special event hosted by Georgia Post 294 on 4/27/19
Battleship Alabama special event on April 13-14, 2019

With a limited number of operators, discussion was a bit short. Michael KN4FCV noted that although he was an American Legion member at Post 2 in Knoxville, he was a member of the TALARC club, AL4US, at Post 104 in Sevierville, TN. He also reported that AL4US conducts a weekly training net on VHF and they advertise that “all radio operators are invited to call in.” Doug N6XLS reported that his post commander, Gerry N6SWC, recently became a Silent Key.

The TALARC IRLP/EchoLink Net for April closed at 2150 EDT [0150Z].

Submitted by Marty, W9WMJ

  • Ham Radio