December 13, 2019

West Coast EchoLink Net Report Dec 11 2019

Ham Radio
Net Reports

*TALARC* WEST COAST ECHOLINK/ALLSTAR NET REPORT 11 December 2019 Start 2100 Pacific K0DAR Darlene Oldtown, ID #155 Auxiliary N6XLS Doug Sunnyvale, CA #380 KN4RJN Jon Inland SC, #45 WA6ZKM Brad Puyallup, WA Navy Veteran KN6CRX Blake West Covina, CA #508 AF6TM Richard Buena Park, CA #354 K7RBC Rich Wanatchee, WA #10 W6SPY Shannon Net Control, N7ALR, Oldtown, ID #155 Announcements: Eligibility Period for Legion Membership Net Control Operator Needed Season’s Greetings From TALARC Board of Officers TALARC Conference Availability Secure 2150 Pacific

11 December 2019

Start 2100 Pacific

K0DAR Darlene Oldtown, ID #155 Auxiliary
N6XLS Doug Sunnyvale, CA #380
KN4RJN Jon Inland SC, #45
WA6ZKM Brad Puyallup, WA Navy Veteran
KN6CRX Blake West Covina, CA #508
AF6TM Richard Buena Park, CA #354
K7RBC Rich Wanatchee, WA #10
W6SPY Shannon Net Control, N7ALR, Oldtown, ID #155

Eligibility Period for Legion Membership
Net Control Operator Needed
Season’s Greetings From TALARC Board of Officers
TALARC Conference Availability

Secure 2150 Pacific

  • Ham Radio