February 04, 2019


Ham Radio
Net Reports

Season 2, Episode 44: Jan 30, 2019 The K5TAL Net on 80 meters was opened at 7 pm (0100z) and had 5 check-ins. Band on 3.825 MHZ propagation was marginal at best for early check-ins, but by 7 pm signals were completely gone. ECHOLINK was in operation, as was D-STAR VIA REF058B. The 2 meter net was called on 145.11 repeater and had 5 check-ins, for a total of 10 check-ins for this date. 80 Meter Net 3.825 MHz KA5DON DON NCS, Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC KB5AGW TERRI Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC

Season 2, Episode 44: Jan 30, 2019

The K5TAL Net on 80 meters was opened at 7 pm (0100z) and had 5 check-ins. Band on 3.825 MHZ propagation was marginal at best for early check-ins, but by 7 pm signals were completely gone. ECHOLINK was in operation, as was D-STAR VIA REF058B. The 2 meter net was called on 145.11 repeater and had 5 check-ins, for a total of 10 check-ins for this date.

80 Meter Net 3.825 MHz

KA5DON DON NCS, Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
KB5AGW TERRI Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
K5CUB LEE NCS, Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
K4FT JOHN Post 46, Danville, KY, TALARC
KE8GKY LARRY US Army, Post 170, Three Rivers, MI, TALARC, /P Clarksville, TX

2 Meter Net 145.11 MHz

KG5KSA MIKE Non Vet, Ocean Springs, MS
AF5AQ RICHARD Spouse of AF5DP, USCG Ret., Vancleave, MS, Non-Member
KC5ZLV TINA Spouse of K5CUB, Vancleave, MS
KB8VND BOB USAF, non-member, Ocean Springs, MS
KM4BWX JOSH SAL Member, Post 1992, TALARC, Pascagoula, MS

From Jan. Net Announcements: Legion Birthday Special Event – March 9. And The American Legion’s Centennial Celebration is well underway. The national commander’s visit to Post 1992 is on Feb. 20. We will attempt to get him on the air as we have for past commanders Schmidt and Rohan. KB5PCI noted that there will be a Special Event Station from USS Iowa on Sat 1/26 using the call sign NE6PM. More Info can be found on QRZ. The Resource Guide for American Legion Digital Media was presented and all directed to go to Legion.org for further information.

Discussed all net times, frequencies and location on legion.org/hamradio.
Discussed methods to check into the K5TAL Wednesday Evening net as being via EchoLink by text to KA5DON – RMS TRIMODE GATEWAY to ka5don@winlink.org – D-STAR via REF58B Quick Key, – c4fm & dmr in the near future.

Discussed n4dkd.com web SDR as a tool to listen to the net by inserting the frequency of 3827 LSB into the appropriate boxes, and checking in via one of the alternative check-in methods discussed above.

  • Ham Radio