Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 04 February 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 25 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 7 states. We were joined at the post by Gene, who is the Post 46 service officer. Gene, who is also retired from VA, answered questions and gave advice on VA services and eligibility; this will be an ongoing part of the TALARC monthly D-Star net. 1 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 04 February 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 25 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 7 states.
We were joined at the post by Gene, who is the Post 46 service officer. Gene, who is also retired from VA, answered questions and gave advice on VA services and eligibility; this will be an ongoing part of the TALARC monthly D-Star net.
1 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
2 KM4QOY George Post 46 KY
3 Gene Post 46 Service Officer KY
4 KC5SAM Virgina MN
5 KA4SWT Doug Post 4 KY
6 N3ZKV George Post 209 GA
7 K9PTF Paul AL
8 W2UIS Mark Previous Net Control NY
9 KI5CIU Carl Post 490 TX
10 K4FT John Post 46 KY
11 KD4IZ Jack MD
12 NK2J Brad Campbellsville KY
13 N4AIR Paul Mineral Bluff GA
14 KB4TC Tony Commander Post 46 KY
15 N3RO Rick Post 11 MD
16 KV4S Russell Chelsea AL
17 KY4RW Ray Post 46 KY
18 N4JLT Ken Post 46 KY
19 KB4NST Tina Post 46 KY
20 KA5DON Don Post 1992 MS
21 N5WWL John LA
22 KB0DJP Pam Post 46 KY
23 N7HRO Dennis Post71 Hot Springs SD
24 KF4FMQ Mike Post 46 KY
25 KB1WID Tim Post 51 NH
Post Net Veterans Q&A With Gene
1 KB4TC Tony Commander Post 46 KY
2 N4JLT Ken Post 46 KY
3 N4AIR Paul Mineral Bluff GA
Item: Reminder – Legion Birthday Special Event – March 9
The next Special Event Station operation will commemorate the 100th birthday of The American Legion, March 15-17, 2019. While the three-day period is typical for the full observance, K9TAL operations will be limited to one day, Saturday, March 9, from 1300 to 1900 EST [1800Z-2359Z].
Call sign for the special event will be our club call sign: K9TAL. We will operate on 20m, 14.275 MHz; 40m, 7.225 MHz; IRLP Node 9735; and EchoLink *CrossRoads* Conference node.
As with all TALARC special events, certificates will be issued free, on request, to those who are entered into the TALARC log books on that day.
Full information on the special event is on the Legion website at, and on the K9TAL page on the website.
Item: New EchoLink net to start up in February
To encourage net participation among TALARC members who are west of the Mississippi, a new EchoLink net has been established at a time that may better accommodate them. It will debut on Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 9:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, and operate on the second Wednesday of each month going forward.
This is being made possible by the Henry E. Bergdorf Post 155 Amateur Radio Club, call sign N7ALR, located in Oldtown, Idaho. N7ALR, by the way, is one of the newest Legion clubs to form.
Net Control Station operator and trustee for N7ALR, Shannon W6SPY, has registered the EchoLink node *TALARC* that can be found in the alpha listing under conferences on the EchoLink site. Shannon has noted that the TALARC conference node isn’t limited to once-a-month net operation, but will be open and available to any TALARC members who wish to QSO with one another. The conference node is active now, if you’d like to check it out.
Our thanks go to Shannon and other good people at Bergdorf Post 155 for their enthusiastic approach to help in expanding the operations of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club.
//End of Items. Net Schedule follows//
The following is for the benefit of the net control station operators and need not be communicated as an "item," but it could be helpful if you're questioned by those on your respective net. Here are the net control operators, their QTH and their monthly schedules:
• National EchoLink and 20-Meter Nets meet the 2nd Saturday of each month.
EchoLink NCS is Steve WØMGD, AR; 20m NCSs are Bill KIØCW, SD, and Everett WA3DVO, MD.
• National 40-Meter Net meets the 3rd Sunday of each month.
NCS is Terry, KE6RWB, AZ.
• National D-Star Net meets the 1st Monday of each month.
NCS is George, KM4QOY, KY. (Kentucky AL Post 46 Radio Club, W4CDA)
• National/Regional 80m Net meets every Wednesday.
NCS is Don KA5DON, MS. (Mississippi AL Post 1992 Radio Club, K5TAL)
• National Combined EchoLink/IRLP Net meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Net Control Stations are Marty W9WMJ, Mike W9MNA, and Bill NZ9S, IN.
• National EchoLink [West] Net meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
NCS is Shannon, W6SPY, ID.
Mode Day Date Time [Zulu] Band Where to find the Net
D-STAR 1st Monday Feb 4 8:00 PM Eastern Time [0100Z] D-Star REF 56C
EchoLink 2nd Saturday Feb 9 12:00 PM Eastern Time [1700Z] *FMCA-ARC* Conference
HF 20m 2nd Saturday Feb 9 12:00 PM Central Time [1800Z] 20 meters 14.275 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
IRLP (with Echolink) 2nd Wednesday Feb 13 9:00 PM Eastern Time [0200Z] *CROSSRDS*
IRLP Node 9735
EchoLink [West] 2nd Wednesday Feb 13 9:00 PM Pacific Time
[0500Z] *TALARC* Conference
HF 40m 3rd Sunday Feb 17 6:00 PM Eastern Time [2300Z] 40 meters 7.274 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
HF 80m (Weekly) Every Wednesday Feb 6, 13, 20, 27 7:00 PM Central Time [0100Z] 80 meters 3.825 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
D-STAR 1st Monday March 4 8:00 PM Eastern Time [0100Z] D-Star REF 56C
End of Announcements and Information
- Ham Radio