January 15, 2019

TALARC EchoLink Conference Net for Jan. 12, 2019

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net Control Station W0MGD conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node 522547 on Saturday, Jan.12, 2019. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1700Z] and closed at 1300 ET [1800Z]. Twelve check-ins participated in today's operations, including the Net Control Station. Contact with the following radio operators was logged; W0MGD, Steve; Fayetteville, AR [Net Control Station], AR Post 1000 W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN, MD Post 180 N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyville, CA, Post 380 [Amateur Radio Post 380 Club] WA3DVO, Everett; Palmer Park, MD, Post 275 [Post Club N3TAL]

Net Control Station W0MGD conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node 522547 on Saturday, Jan.12, 2019. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1700Z] and closed at 1300 ET [1800Z]. Twelve check-ins participated in today's operations, including the Net Control Station.

Contact with the following radio operators was logged;
W0MGD, Steve; Fayetteville, AR [Net Control Station], AR Post 1000
W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN, MD Post 180
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyville, CA, Post 380 [Amateur Radio Post 380 Club]
WA3DVO, Everett; Palmer Park, MD, Post 275 [Post Club N3TAL]
K8DHH, John; Taylor, MI
KD9HHZ, Zach; Muncie, IN, Post 19
KC6UIS, Bob; Northern CA, Post 283
W6SPY, Shannon; Newport, WA, Post 155
W4CEC, Chris; Wake Forest, NC, Post 187 [Post Club WF4TAL]
KN4FCV, Michael; Knoxville, TN, Post 2
KD2KCY, Paul; Schenectady, NY

Three announcements were offered. The first was: " American Legion ready to assist Coast Guardsmen Affected by shutdown,"verbatim, with regards to TFA program for temporary assistance and contact information for said assistance. With a reminder that it includes recruiters.

Second offered: "Legion Birthday Special Event-March 9," verbatim.

Third offered: "The American Legion's Centennial celebration is well underway," verbatim. This concluded announcements.

Discussion on the net: It was noted by Shannon, W6SPY, that a new club is being formed and will work ALLSTAR(D-Star?) and EchoLink, and maybe IRLP. Everett, WA3DVO, asked to find TALARC clubs to correspond with and possibly exchange QSL cards with. Net Control referred this question to Marty, W9WMJ, who was able to give Everett that info. Chris,W4CEC (OARS),is starting a three week class for Tech license with the local BSA and anyone else who would like to test. They are expecting as many as 50 exams being given and would appreciate any help from any local hams.

The TALARC EchoLink Net for January closed at 1300ET [1800Z}.

Submitted by Steve, W0MGD

  • Ham Radio