TALARC D-STAR NET REPORT – 03 June 2019 Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 3 June 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 27 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 8 states and 1 Canadian province. We were joined at the post by Gene, who is the Post 46 Service Officer. Gene, who is also retired from VA, answered questions and gave advice on VA services and eligibility; this will be an ongoing part of the TALARC monthly D-Star Net. TALARC D-Star Net Log
Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 3 June 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 27 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 8 states and 1 Canadian province.
We were joined at the post by Gene, who is the Post 46 Service Officer. Gene, who is also retired from VA, answered questions and gave advice on VA services and eligibility; this will be an ongoing part of the TALARC monthly D-Star Net.
TALARC D-Star Net Log
Call Sign Name/QTH
1 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
2 KM4QOY George Post 46 KY
3 GENE Post 46 Service Officer KY
4 KU4KD Joel Post 46 KY
5 K1QD Bob Livonia MI Post 32
6 KC5SAM Virgina Frontenac MN
7 N3ZKV George Rincon GA Post 209
8 KY4RS Roger Union KY
9 KO4OL Glenn Richmond KY
10 ND8G Bud Post 42 KY
11 NN4H Larry Nancy KY
12 KN4UOT Eric Woodbridge VA
13 K3KZU Dennis Post 46 KY
14 NK2J Brad Campbellsville KY
15 KN4HFT Ann Garrard Co
16 KF4FMQ Mike Post 46 KY
17 W0QI Greg Independence KY Post 275
18 KC5FZG Jose Spring TX
19 W1ORO Judy Independance KY Post 275
20 KC5HFT Brian TX
21 KY4RW Ray Post 46 KY
22 KB0DJP Pam Post 46 KY
23 VE7LEE Ted Maritime Mobile BC RC Legion 229
24 KA5DON Don Vancleave MS Post 1992
Veterans After Net
1 KN4UOT Eric Woodbridge VA
2 KC5FZG Jose Spring TX
Item: National Amateur Radio Field Day
Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of amateur radio.
This year, National Amateur Radio Field Day is Saturday and Sunday, June 23-24, when some 40,000 hams will take part in this annual 2-day emergency communications preparedness and public awareness exercise. If you participate, we invite you to share event photos or videos with other TALARC members via the TALARC website. Be sure to identify the people or activities depicted, and submit items to TALARC VP Bill Sloan, NZ9S, at k9tal@legion.org.
Field Day is the subject for the June TALARC newsletter, and in the article there is more information about the annual event, how you can participate and how conducting Field Day operations can help promote your American Legion post and your amateur radio efforts throughout the community. The newsletter was emailed early in the week of June 4. If it’s missing from your email inbox, check your spam filter. If not there, contact Bill Sloan at Legion National Headquarters at k9tal@legion.org to confirm your current email address.
Item: Birthday of the Flag
Thursday, June 14, is Flag Day. It's the one very special day of the year that we honor the flag of the United States and commemorate the flag’s adoption by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. It's a time for Americans to reflect on the foundations of the nation’s freedom.
Many people celebrate the day by displaying the American flag at homes, at businesses and from public buildings. We trust you will fly "Old Glory" at your home and your Legion post on its birthday . . . and all other days of the year as well!
Item: Post Officer “Change of Command”
Typically, in June of each year, Legion posts across the country conduct installation ceremonies and bring on board newly elected post officers from the Sgt-at-Arms to the Post Commander. Some of these officers may begin fulfilling their obligations immediately, while others will take up their positions just after the department [state] convention. Whichever way it may work in your post, now is the time to consider talking with these officers – especially your post commander – about the possibility of an American Legion Amateur Radio Club within the post.
Information about forming a club is within the brochure “Amateur Radio and The American Legion.” Copies of the brochure can be downloaded from the Legion radio club webpage at www.legion.org/hamradio. Look for and click on “Club Resources” on the left side of the page.
If a post radio club is something that you as a Legion amateur want to pursue, be sure to move forward only with the full support of your post. There is other information on the Legion radio club website that provides guidance in drafting Articles of Organization, which set out the duties and responsibilities of radio club officials and can help in building a case for a radio club within a Legion post.
//End of Announcements//
TALARC Monthly Net Schedule
What follows is for the benefit of the Net Control Station Operators and need not be communicated as an "item," but it could be helpful if you're questioned by those on your respective net. Here are the Net Control Operators, their QTH, and their monthly schedules:
National EchoLink and 20-Meter Nets meet the 2nd Saturday of each month.
EchoLink NCS is Marty W9WMJ; 20m NCSs are Bill KIØCW, SD, and Everett WA3DVO, MD.
National 40-Meter Net meets the 3rd Sunday of each month.
NCS is Terry, KE6RWB, AZ.
National D-Star Net meets the 1st Monday of each month.
NCS is George, KM4QOY, KY. (Kentucky Post 46/Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club, W4CDA)
National/Regional 80-Meter Net meets every Wednesday.
National/Regional 40-Meter Net meets every Wednesday.
NCS is Don, KA5DON, MS. (Mississippi Post 1992 Radio Club, K5TAL)
National Combined EchoLink/IRLP Net meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
IRLP Net Controls are Marty W9WMJ, Mike W9MNA, and Bill NZ9S, IN
Mode Day Date Time [Zulu] Where to find the Net
D-STAR KM4QOY 1st Monday June 4 0000 UTC D-Star REF56C
IRLP (with Echolink) 2nd Wednesday June 13 0100 UTC *CROSSRDS*
IRLP Node 9735
EchoLink 2nd Saturday June 9 1600 UTC *FMCA-ARC*
HF (20M) 2nd Saturday June 9 1700 UTC 14.275 MHz [+/- 5 kHz]
HF (40M) KE6RWB 3rd Sunday June 17 2300 UTC 7.274 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
HF (40M)(Weekly) K5TAL Every Wednesday June 6, 13, 20, 27 0000 UTC 7.238 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
HF (80M)(Weekly) K5TAL Every Wednesday June 6, 13, 20, 27 0000 UTC 3.825 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
D-STAR KM4QOY 1st Monday July 2 0000 UTC D-Star REF56C
End of Announcements and Information
- Ham Radio