June 21, 2019

K5TAL Net Report for Jun 19 2019

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Year 3, Week 12. Jun 19, 2019. The K5TAL net on 80 meters was opened at 6:30 pm (23:30) on 3.829mhz and had 8 check-ins. Band conditions on 3.829 were clear with some lightning crashes. EchoLink was in operation but had no check-ins. D-Star via Ref058B was also open for check-ins. The 2 meter net on the 145.11 repeater had 7 check-ins, and 1 check-in from SWL listeners via N4DKD.com. TOTAL: 16. KA5DON DON Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC KB5AGW TERRI Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC

Year 3, Week 12.

Jun 19, 2019.

The K5TAL net on 80 meters was opened at 6:30 pm (23:30) on 3.829mhz and had 8 check-ins. Band conditions on 3.829 were clear with some lightning crashes. EchoLink was in operation but had no check-ins. D-Star via Ref058B was also open for check-ins. The 2 meter net on the 145.11 repeater had 7 check-ins, and 1 check-in from SWL listeners via N4DKD.com. TOTAL: 16.

KA5DON DON Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
KB5AGW TERRI Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
KG5KSA MIKE Non Vet, Ocean Springs, MS
W5TUT ED Post 24, Hattiesburg, MS, TALARC
KB5PCI JIM Post 119, Gulfport, MS, TALARC
WA5GYM ANDY Ret Marine, Richland, MS, TALARC
W4OZA RICK Post 35, Columbus, GA, TALARC
K5ATW STEVE Army, Vicksburg, MS, TALARC

2 Meter 145.11, Vancleave, MS NCS Lee, K5CUB

K5CUB LEE Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
AC5RW RICHARD Spouse USCG, Vancleave, MS
KI5DER JOE Unknown Affiliation, St. Martin, MS
KI5CGG CHRIS Unknown Affiliation, St. Martin, MS
N5FLP FLIP Unknown Affiliation, Biloxi, MS


AJ5P LESTER Non Vet, Laurel, MS

Announcement: Beginning Thursday, July 11, weekly at 7 pm CST, K5TAL will host an all Digital Net. A service called Quadnet Array (www.openquad.net). This service allows any form of digital voice to be routed so DMR users can hear D-Star and C4FM Fusion, D-Star can hear everyone, as can C4FM users. It also allows DV Dongle users to communicate likewise. This additional net will allow any licensed ham of any license class to join in on our weekly roundtable discussions. The net is now listed on the openquad.net website. If you have questions you can email me, KA5DON@arrl.net, and I will do what I can to answer them.

Location for all net times was discussed and direction to www.legion.org/hamradio was provided.

  • Ham Radio