March 21, 2019

IRLP/EchoLink Net Report for Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ham Radio
Net Reports

IRLP/EchoLink Net Report for Wednesday, March 13, 2019 Net Control Station K9TAL conducted the monthly net on IRLP channel 9735 Crossroads Reflector on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. This reflector is linked to EchoLink *CROSSRDS* conference node. The net began at 2100 ET (0100 UTC) and concluded at 2200 ET (0200 UTC). There were 9 check-ins, including Net Control. N7ALR-R, American Legion Post 155 Amateur Radio Club, Oldtown, Idaho W6SPY, Shannon, Newport, Washington and American Legion Post 155 KG7NTV, Charlie, Cave Junction, OR and American Legion Post 70

IRLP/EchoLink Net Report for Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Net Control Station K9TAL conducted the monthly net on IRLP channel 9735 Crossroads Reflector on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. This reflector is linked to EchoLink *CROSSRDS* conference node. The net began at 2100 ET (0100 UTC) and concluded at 2200 ET (0200 UTC). There were 9 check-ins, including Net Control.
N7ALR-R, American Legion Post 155 Amateur Radio Club, Oldtown, Idaho
W6SPY, Shannon, Newport, Washington and American Legion Post 155
KG7NTV, Charlie, Cave Junction, OR and American Legion Post 70
N6XLS, Doug, Sunnyvale, California and American Legion Post 380
KD9MDZ, Tim, Greenwood, Indiana
W9WMJ, Marty, Indianapolis, Indiana
KD9HHS, Zach, Muncie, Indiana
W0FLH, Randi, Urbandale, Iowa
NZ9S, Bill, Sheridan, Indiana (Net Control)

NZ9S read announcements about the success of the 100th American Legion Birthday SE conducted March 9, the American Legion Amateur Radio newsletter available for members, the new EchoLink *TALARC* Conference now hosted by the Oldtown, Idaho, American Legion Post 155 Amateur Radio Club N7ALR, and a review of membership eligibility and regularly scheduled nets.

W9WMJ remarked about the growth of our nets in general and asked Shannon, W6SPY to make some announcements concerning the new *TALARC* conference. Shannon reported that this new capability will be made available to all American Legion ham operators and clubs nationwide desiring to use the site for nets and activities.

Participants were encouraged to check in on the following Post 155 N7ALR EchoLink net to be conducted only two hours after close of this net.

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Submitted by Bill, NZ9S, Net Control

  • Ham Radio