May 13, 2019

TALARC H.F. NET 5-11-19

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net start 1700 UTC Net End 1815 UTC Freq: 14.275.0 Khz Net Conditions SFI= 76 A= 76 K=3 Net Control = WA3DVO Check ins Name Location Post Nr. KB3IIE Kennie MD 275 N3TAL Post Station MD 275 AA3NN Kennie MD 275 N3TFS Edgar MD 275

Net start 1700 UTC Net End 1815 UTC Freq: 14.275.0 Khz
Net Conditions SFI= 76 A= 76 K=3
Net Control = WA3DVO

Check ins Name Location Post Nr.
KB3IIE Kennie MD 275
N3TAL Post Station MD 275
AA3NN Kennie MD 275
N3TFS Edgar MD 275
W9JAM/m Germany n.a n.a
KI0CW Bill S.D.
W6SWC *****
W3SA John FLA 208
ZF1C Bill Grand Camens NONE
N2LDZ Elmer ***** ****
W8CJ Gary ***** ****
KG5LRP Jeff TX ****
KN4RNL Dale KY *****

NOTE: ******* NO INFORMATION due to QSB and QRM

Today was the military cross band operation. Military stations were using the TALARC frequency, 14.275Khz, as the listening frequency; it was hard to find out who was calling.
Please note that post station N3TAL will be calling CQ on 14.275.khz on the second Thursday to work any and all stations, plus trying to work American Legion's post station. Net time will be 2300 to 2359.

Everett WA3DVO

  • Ham Radio