October 11, 2019

Hams in the park

By The American Legion
Ham Radio

Mississippi post club to conduct ARRL event to promote ARRL, Legion ham radio.

Each year, the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) conducts its “Day in the Park” operating convention at a different location in Mississippi. And this year, the TALARC club at Gautier-Vancleave Post 1992 in Gautier will take a turn hosting it on Oct. 15.

According to Don Rand KA5DON, “This year Post 1992's amateur radio club K5TAL is hosting the event with hopes of expanding knowledge of TALARC and Legion membership opportunities.” Rand was approached by the ARRL section manager about the opportunity, and the club decided to host the event at the post in cooperation with the Jackson County Amateur Radio Association.

“This is our first time for any event as a club,” Rand says. There will be food, prizes and tailgating, in addition to lots of information about ham radio. ARRL will be present in force, but so will The American Legion – from Post 1992’s adjutant, to answer questions and hand out Legion Family membership forms, to the district commander. “Our emergency communications trailer will be open and operating, proudly flying the American Legion flag from the top of its 55-foot mast,” Rand continues.

“I already know of some members from Alabama and Florida who have expressed interest in attending.”

  • Ham Radio