Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 7 October 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with George (KM4QOY) acting as Net Control. There were 31 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 8 states. We were joined at the post by Gene, who is the Post 46 service officer. Gene, who is also retired from VA, answered questions and gave advice on VA services and eligibility; this will be an ongoing part of the TALARC monthly D-Star Net. Call Sign Name/QTH 1 KM4QOY George Post 46 KY 2 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 7 October 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with George (KM4QOY) acting as Net Control. There were 31 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 8 states.
We were joined at the post by Gene, who is the Post 46 service officer. Gene, who is also retired from VA, answered questions and gave advice on VA services and eligibility; this will be an ongoing part of the TALARC monthly D-Star Net.
Call Sign Name/QTH
1 KM4QOY George Post 46 KY
2 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
4 N3ZKV George Post 209 GA
5 K9PTF Paul Chelsea AL
6 KG4UQL Chris Post 46 KY
7 KB5LNC Ron Fredericksburg VA Post 231
8 NN4H Larry Nancy KY
9 ND8G Bud Post 42 KY
10 KC5SAM Virgina Frontenac MN
11 W0QI Greg Independence KY Post 275
12 W1ORO Judy Union KY Post 275
13 KV4S Russell Chelsea AL
14 KY4FLY Tim Hodgenville, KY
15 WA4CMO Robert Frankfort, KY
16 WD4HXE Henry Frankfort, KY
17 AA4HF Harvey Winchester, KY
18 KF4FMQ Mike Post 46 KY
19 KB5LNC Ron Fredericksburg VA Post 231
20 K3KZU Dennis Post 46 KY
21 WB2LUA John Woodstock NY Post 1026
22 KB4TC Tony Commander Post 46 KY
23 AB4WS Jack Big Bone KY
24 NK2J Brad Campbellsville KY
25 W9WA Bill Post 46 KY
26 K3EP Emmett Post 28 VA
27 K5DXS Justin Post 58 El Paso
29 KN4FYR Dan North Canton, OH
30 KY4RW Ray Post 46 KY
31 KB0DJP Pam Post 46 KY
Item: Boy Scouts of America’s Jamboree on the Air
Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October, and this year that’s October 18 - 20. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation and in your own community. For Scout troops, packs and crews, it means getting together with a local amateur radio club or a trip to a nearby amateur radio operator’s ham shack to learn about amateur radio.
For details about this year’s event, how to find Scout units in your area and how radio amateurs can participate, Google Jamboree-On-the-Air, then click on “Guidelines for Amateur Radio Operators Participation.” There you will find operating rules, general guidelines, suggested frequencies and modes of communication.
If you are situated in an area that is far removed from a Scouting unit, you can still participate by having a QSO with the many JOTA stations that will have enthusiastic Scouts calling “CQ CQ JOTA,” and hoping to make contact via the airwaves.
Item: Veterans Day Special Event
Information related to “The American Legion Salute to Veterans” on Monday, November 11, is within the October edition of the TALARC monthly newsletter, which will be issued via email from Legion National Headquarters during the week of October 7.
Briefly, here is what you need to know to participate in this annual special event coordinated by K9TAL at Indianapolis:
Day/date/time: Monday, November 11, 2019; 1800z to 2359z
Modes and frequencies: HF -- 40m 7.225 MHz, 20m 14.275 MHz; UHF K9DC Repeater 147.315 MHz; IRLP Node 9735; and EchoLink *CROSSRDS* Conference node
Call sign[s]: N9V, N9V/2, N9V/3 and N9V/4
Visit the N9V page on for information on QTHs for the several Control Stations as well as information on how you can obtain a free certificate and QSL card from N9V.
Item: “Amateur Radio plus The American Legion means Everybody Wins”
The October edition of CQ Amateur Radio Magazine carries a feature article with that title. The piece, written byAmerican Legion Magazine Associate Editor Laura Edwards, tells the story of “how a Kentucky amateur radio club found a new beginning via its local American Legion post, and how the two groups joined forces to benefit each other and their community.”
The radio club is Wilderness Road ARC, call sign W4CDA, and the Legion Post is Boyle Post 46 at Danville, Ky.
Both groups have remarkable community-oriented histories that go back 60 years for the club and 100 years for the post. By comparison, they have been together for a relatively short time, but in this time the club and the post have become a prominent part of their community with shared aims and purposes that are benefiting, as the article title suggests, “Everyone.”
If you have access to CQ Amateur Radio Magazine please share the story in the October edition with those around you. It is the perfect example of the vision The American Legion has for posts across the nation. Well done to Post 46 and to the Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club.
//End of Items. Nets Schedule follows//
October 2019 Net Schedule
Mode/NCS Day Date Time [Zulu] Where to find the Net
D-STAR / W4CDA 1st Monday Oct 7 0000 UTC D-Star REF56C
IRLP & Echolink / K9TAL 2nd Wednesday Oct 9 0100 UTC *CROSSRDS*
IRLP Node 9735
EchoLink / N7ALR 2nd Wednesday Oct 9 0400 UTC *TALARC*
Conference node or
All-Star Node 49465
All-Digital Voice
Net / K5TAL Every Thursday Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 0000 UTC See
EchoLink / W9WMJ 2nd Saturday Oct 12 1600 UTC *FMCA-ARC*
HF (20m) / KIØCW & WA3DVO 2nd Saturday Oct 12 1700 UTC 14.275 MHz [+/- 5 kHz]
HF (80m) / K5TAL Every Wednesday Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 2330 UTC 3.829 MHz [+/- 10 KHz]
D-STAR / W4CDA 1st Monday Nov 3 0000 UTC D-Star REF56C
End of Announcements and Information
- Ham Radio