TALARC/K9TAL EchoLink Conference Net Report for April 11, 2020 Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node on Saturday, April 11, 2020. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1300 ET [1700Z]. 14 check-ins participated in today’s operations, including the net control station. Contact with the following radio operators was logged: W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180 AF6TM, Richard; Buena Park, CA; Post 354 K6DLC, Dan; Redwood City, CA; Post 585, Calif. Dept. ARC Chairman
TALARC/K9TAL EchoLink Conference Net Report for April 11, 2020
Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node on Saturday, April 11, 2020. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1300 ET [1700Z]. 14 check-ins participated in today’s operations, including the net control station.
Contact with the following radio operators was logged:
W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180
AF6TM, Richard; Buena Park, CA; Post 354
K6DLC, Dan; Redwood City, CA; Post 585, Calif. Dept. ARC Chairman
KC6UIS, Bob; Elk Creek, CA; Post 283
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 380
K8DHH, John; Taylor, MI; Michigan HQ Post
K7ZZQ, Johnny; Mesquite, NV; Post 24
WA3DVO, Everett; Palmer Park, MD; Post 275
WB5UFD, Jim; Arlington, TX; Post 60
W9MNA, Mike; Indianapolis, IN; Post 510
KD8WZA, Gary; Saginaw, MI; Post 229
K4JOH, Larry; Clarksville, TN; Post 289
KB3IIE, Ken; Upper Marlboro, MD; Post 275
KN4FCV, Mike; Knoxville, TN; Post 2
Announcements were read that included:
1) National Commander Oxford’s call for blood donations, and a reminder that TAL service officers can be reached via the AL website.
2) National Adjutant Wheeler’s notification to American Legion departments on the cancellation of annual Legion programs, national meetings and the 2020 National Convention due to the current COVID-19 crisis.
3) Verbatim article from the ARRL website related to matters of the June 2020 Field Day operations.
Discussion was had by all on the net. Substantive reports included:
Bob KC6UIS reported that his California post, formerly Pacific Palisades Post 283, has changed its name to “Ronald Reagan Post 283.” President Reagan was a member of the former Pacific Palisades post and permission was granted by the Reagan family to do this. Bob also reported that five American Legion post radio club stations have been checking in regularly to the CALARS [California American Legion Amateur Radio Service] 40 meter net. ****
John K8DHH announced that his local club is hosting the Great Lakes QSO Party next weekend, April 18-19. Information on the activity is at www.miqp.org. ****
Everett WA3DVO noted that Post 275/N3TAL will host a special event on July 11 to commemorate the dedication of the Bladensburg Peace Cross, which was erected almost 100 years ago to memorialize the town’s WWI veterans who offered up their lives in battle. They will operate as Special Event Station N9V, SSB on 7.275 MHz.
The TALARC/K9TAL EchoLink Net for April closed at 1300 ET [1700Z].
Submitted by Marty W9WMJ
- Ham Radio