TALARC D-STAR NET REPORT – 01 June 2020 Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 01 June 2020. The nets began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 38 total check-ins, including Net Control, from 12 states and 1 Canadian province. Due to the restrictions mandated by COVID-19, this net was not conducted from American Legion Post 346. Ken (KY4KD) conducted the net singlehandedly from his QTH. Great job, Ken, thank you! For the same reason, our veterans after-net was also not held. Call Sign Name/QTH
Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 01 June 2020. The nets began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 38 total check-ins, including Net Control, from 12 states and 1 Canadian province. Due to the restrictions mandated by COVID-19, this net was not conducted from American Legion Post 346. Ken (KY4KD) conducted the net singlehandedly from his QTH. Great job, Ken, thank you! For the same reason, our veterans after-net was also not held.
Call Sign Name/QTH
KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
AB4WS Jack Big Bone KY
W4IOD Odis Scott Co KY Post 46
N3ZKV George Rincon GA Post 209
KA8YID Dave Jamestown KY
N4JLT Ken Post 46 KY
KB4NST Tina Post 46 KY
ND8G Bud Post 42 KY
K9PTF Paul Chelsea AL
W0QI Greg Independence KY Post 275
W1ORO Judy Independence KY Post 275
NN4H Larry Nancy KY
KD4MYW Norma Nancy KY
AC6ZZ Don Oakley CA
K9GDC Steve Carmel IN Post 202
K4FT John Post 46 KY
W4GLE Grady Fayette AL
KM4EWZ Robert Moss Point MS Post 1992
K3KZU Dennis Post 46 KY
KN4HFT Ann Garrard KY
AI4E Brad Campbellsville KY
KM4QOY George Post 46 KY
KI4LA Gary Edgewood KY
KB4TC Tony Commander Post 46 KY
KV4S Russell Chelsea AL
KF4FMQ Mike Post 46 KY
KC5SAM Virgina Frontenac MN
W9WA Bill Post 46 KY
WB2LUA John Woodstock NY Post 1026
KB5LNC Ron Fredericksburg VA Post 231
VE7LE Ted Maritime Mobile BC RC Legion 229
KI7NPR Jared Gladstone OR
KD4IZ Jack Parkton MD Post 297
KN4RDT Sarge West Liberty KY
KY4RS Roger Union KY
KC8YQL William Continental OH
KY4RW Ray Post 46 KY
WV5Q Don Vancleave MS Post 1992 K5TAL Net Control
Item: The American Legion welcomes Trump tweet on National Guard extension
On May 28, National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford praised a tweet by President Trump indicating that federal orders for members of the National Guard would be extended through the middle of August.
The tweet comes just eight days after The American Legion called for an extension, which would entitle certain National Guard members to additional home loan, education and retirement benefits since their federal orders would now exceed 90 days.
“We know that the Coronavirus emergency will not suddenly end at 89 days,” Commander Oxford said. “Yet thousands of outstanding men and women of the National Guard left their homes and risked their lives in response to this emergency. From cleaning nursing homes to delivering supplies, the National Guard has been a national treasure. The American Legion welcomes the president’s tweet indicating his plans to extend the Title 32 orders, which would enable these heroes to accumulate benefits that they have certainly earned.”
The president’s tweet stated, “The men and women of the National Guard have been doing a great job fighting the Coronavirus. This week, I will extend their Title 32 orders through mid-August, so they can continue to help States succeed in their response and recovery efforts.”
Item: EchoLink Conference Node allows All-Star Net Link access
Shannon W6SPY, Net Control operator for Idaho Legion Post N7ALR’s monthly net, has an All-Star connection to their *TALARC* EchoLink operations. The All-Star Node, 49465, is tied to the *TALARC* EchoLink conference node as well as to N7ALR’s repeater on 446.900 MHz. If you are registered with All-Star as a user, all you need is this node number and access to a local All-Star repeater. If you’re new to and interested in All-Star, information is available at www.allstarlink.org. Software is free. All-Star connection is similar to IRLP in that it requires proximity to an All-Star repeater, which then allows access with DTMF codes to connect and disconnect to distant stations.
Item: National Convention change of venue and date
The American Legion national convention, normally conducted in August, will not take place in Louisville, Ky., this year as originally scheduled.
The next convention, the 102nd National Convention, will be called to order in Phoenix on Aug. 27 and run through Sept. 2, 2021.
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TALARC Monthly and Weekly Nets
What follows is for the benefit of the Net Control Station operators and need not be communicated as an "item," but it could be helpful if you're questioned by those on your respective net. Here are the Net Control operators, their QTH and their monthly schedules:
National EchoLink and 20-Meter nets meet the 2nd Saturday of each month.
EchoLink NCSs are Marty W9WMJ and Mike W9MNA; 20m NCSs are Bill KIØCW, SD, and Everett WA3DVO, MD.
National/West Region EchoLink Net meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
NCS is Shannon W6SPY, ID. (Idaho Post 155 ARC, N7ALR)
National D-Star Net meets the 1st Monday of each month.
NCS is George KM4QOY, KY. (Kentucky Post 46/Wilderness Road ARC, W4CDA)
National 80-Meter Net meets every Wednesday.
NCS is Don WV5Q, MS. (Mississippi Post 1992 ARC, K5TAL)
National Digital Voice Net meets every Thursday.
NCS is Lee K5CUB, MS. (Mississippi Post 1992 ARC, K5TAL)
TALARC June 2020 Net Operations
Mode Day Date Time [Local] Where to find the Net
D-STAR W4CDA 1st Monday June 1 8:00 PM ET D-Star REF56C
EchoLink K9TAL 2nd Saturday June 13 12:00 NOON ET *FMCA-ARC*
Conference Node
HF (20M) KI0CW, WA3DVO 2nd Saturday Jun 13 1:00 PM ET 14.275 MHz [+/- 5 kHz]
EchoLink N7ALR 2nd Wednesday June 10 9:00 PM PT *TALARC*
Conference Node or
All-Star Node 49465
HF (80M) K5TAL Every Wednesday June 3, 10, 17, 24 7:00 PM CT 3.862 MHz [+/- 10 KHz]
Digital, All Voice K5TAL Every Thursday June 4, 11, 18, 25 7:00 PM CT See www.openquad.net
D-STAR W4CDA 1st Monday July 6 8:00 PM ET D-Star REF56C
ET = Eastern Time CT = Central Time MT = Mountain Time PT = Pacific Time
End of Announcements and Information
- Ham Radio