American Legion amateur radio stations and members across the nation participated in the American Legion 101st Birthday special event operation conducted on March 14.
American Legion amateur radio stations and members across the nation participated in the American Legion 101st Birthday special event operation conducted on March 14. Brian W9IND joined the crew at the National Headquarters station K9TAL for the day’s operations. In South Dakota and Maryland, respectively, longtime volunteer net operators Bill KIØCW and Everett WA3DVO were joined by the members of Maryland Post 275 station N3TAL. Kenny KA3DCO of Cambridge, Md., Post 36 and the Easton Amateur Radio Society K3EMD out of Easton, Md., did really well as they chalked up their third special event with TALARC. Together we made 456 contacts on 20M, 40M, UHF/VHF, IRLP and EchoLink during the six-hour event. And on top of that, several TALARC stations operated by American Legion amateur radio operators actively relayed contacts from ham operators all over the United States and Canada who were trying to reach K9TAL.
We will honor all those relayed QSOs with a certificate upon request, of course. The special event certificate is available to all who contacted any K9TAL station during the event. To get yours, send a self-addressed 9x12 stamped envelope to:
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, c/o The American Legion, 700 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. The certificate is the same for contact with any of the K9TAL net control stations, regardless of location – they have relayed the information to us here in Indianapolis. Please include your approximate contact time, frequency and mode. We collect QSL cards as well and will return our own in exchange.
- Ham Radio