May 28, 2020


Ham Radio
Net Reports

Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 04 May 2020. The nets began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 38 total check-ins, including Net Control, from nine states. Due to the restrictions mandated by COVID-19, this net was not conducted from the American Legion Post 346 Headquarters. Ken (KY4KD) conducted the net singlehandedly from his QTH. Great job, Ken. Thank you!! For the same reason, our veterans after-net was also not held. Call Sign Name/QTH 1 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY 2 AB4WS Jack Big Bone KY

Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 04 May 2020. The nets began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 38 total check-ins, including Net Control, from nine states. Due to the restrictions mandated by COVID-19, this net was not conducted from the American Legion Post 346 Headquarters. Ken (KY4KD) conducted the net singlehandedly from his QTH. Great job, Ken. Thank you!! For the same reason, our veterans after-net was also not held.

Call Sign Name/QTH
1 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
2 AB4WS Jack Big Bone KY
3 W4IOD Odis Scott Co KY Post 46
4 K3KZU Dennis Post 46 KY
5 KB9KC Ken Carterville IL Post 347
6 KN4RDT Sarge West Liberty KY
7 K9PTF Paul Chelsea AL
8 KC5SAM Virgina Frontenac MN
9 KD0HYA Dan Post 46 KY
10 N4JLT Ken Post 46 KY
11 KB4NST Tina Post 46 KY
12 W0QI Greg Independence KY Post 275
13 W1ORO Judy Independance KY Post 275
14 KY4GPD Matt Georgetown KY
15 AI4E Brad Campbellsville KY
16 NN4H Larry Nancy KY
17 KD4MYW Norma Nancy KY
18 KA8YID Dave Jamestown KY
19 KN4HFT Ann Garrard KY
20 K4FT John Post 46 KY
21 K3EP Emmitt Stafford VA Post 28
22 KB4TC Tony Commander Post 46 KY
23 AC4H Sean Keene KY
24 KF4FMQ Mike Post 46 KY
25 KM4QOY George Post 46 KY
26 W4GLE Grady Fayette AL
27 KD4IZ Jack Parkton MD Post 297
28 ND8G Bud Post 42 KY
29 AJ4BC Mike Garrard County, KY
30 WV5Q Don Vancleave MS Post 1992 K5TAL Net Control
31 KY4RW Ray Post 46 KY
32 KD9KXE Ellissa Elmhurst IL
33 KM4DKI Tyler Elmhurst IL
34 KB0DJP Pam Post 46 KY
35 K4BLP Byron Madison Co KY
36 KY4SGM Steve Madison Co KY
37 AB7WP Roger Apache Junction AZ Post 27
38 KA2LED Bill Bath NY

Item: American Legion National Commander Bill Oxford reminds us that:

“Among veterans, Memorial Day is a time to honor the men and women who did not return home from service; the unexpected but always-possible circumstances of armed conflict were their fate. It is also a time to consider those who did come home only to discover later that some potentially fatal consequence of wartime service followed them into civilian life. Memorial Day is also for them, the men and women who were exposed to atomic radiation, Agent Orange, burn-pit smoke and other toxic substances encountered during their time in uniform.
“Likewise, it is a time to remember veterans who have succumbed to the invisible wounds of war and taken their own lives or put themselves in dangerous situations caused by post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury or other service-connected conditions.
“May is our special time to honor the fallen and remember those with whom we served. They may have been shot down in Korea. Perhaps a form of cancer claimed them due to poisoned air they were forced to breathe while serving in Vietnam. Way too many will have wearied from years of wrestling demons and be among the 20 per day who take their own lives.
“Wherever we can, however we can, in honor of those no longer here, let’s rededicate ourselves to finding local veterans who need assistance from us or from VA, and follow that time-honored cadence that defines us.”

Item: The Birthday of the Flag
Sunday, June 14, is Flag Day. It's one very special day of the year on which we honor the flag of the United States and commemorate the flag’s adoption by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. It's a time for Americans to reflect on the foundations of the nation’s freedom.
The vision for what gatherings of people will look like in June is still unknown as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect communities nationwide. On Flag Day, American Legion posts often hold a proper flag retirement ceremony or participate in community celebrations.
Many of us celebrate the day by displaying the American flag at homes, at businesses and from public buildings. We hope you will fly "Old Glory" at your home and at your Legion post on Flag Day . . . and all other days of the year as well!
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TALARC Monthly and Weekly Nets
What follows is for the benefit of the Net Control Station operators and need not be communicated as an "item," but it could be helpful if you're questioned by those on your respective net. Here are the Net Control operators, their QTH and their monthly schedules:
National EchoLink and 20-Meter Nets meet the 2nd Saturday of each month.
EchoLink NCSs are Marty W9WMJ and Mike W9MNA; 20m NCSs are Bill KIØCW, SD, and Everett WA3DVO, MD.

National/West Region EchoLink Net meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
NCS is Shannon W6SPY, ID. (Idaho Post 155 ARC, N7ALR)

National D-Star Net meets the 1st Monday of each month.
NCS is George KM4QOY, KY. (Kentucky Post 46/Wilderness Road ARC, W4CDA)

National 80-Meter Net meets every Wednesday.
NCS is Don WV5Q, MS. (Mississippi Post 1992 ARC, K5TAL)

National Digital Voice Net meets every Thursday.
NCS is Lee K5CUB, MS. (Mississippi Post 1992 ARC, K5TAL)

TALARC May 2020 Net Operations
Mode Day Date Time [Local] Where to find the Net
D-STAR W4CDA 1st Monday May 4 8:00 PM ET D-Star REF56C
EchoLink K9TAL 2nd Saturday May 9 12:00 NOON ET *FMCA-ARC* Conference Node
HF (20M) KI0CW, WA3DVO 2nd Saturday May 9 1:00 PM ET 14.275 MHz [+/- 5 kHz]

  • Ham Radio