December 28, 2021

KN4YQL (Post 28/SC) report 122421

Ham Radio
Net Reports

For KN4YQL at Post 28, Spartanburg, S.C., 12/24/2021: For our two-hour radio net (10:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST), we made 21 contacts. Three were made by SSB at 3.856 LSB 75/80M, and 18 by the N2GE repeater. Among these contacts, two were new (first-time) contacts. Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT with Art Paterson KE4EAN

For KN4YQL at Post 28, Spartanburg, S.C., 12/24/2021: For our two-hour radio net (10:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST), we made 21 contacts. Three were made by SSB at 3.856 LSB 75/80M, and 18 by the N2GE repeater. Among these contacts, two were new (first-time) contacts.

Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT with Art Paterson KE4EAN

  • Ham Radio