June 16, 2021

20 Meter HF Net Report for June 12, 2021

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Time Start: 1300 Local End: 1415 Local Freq: 14.275Mhz USB SFI: 71 A:17 K: 5 Normal week in contesters with state QSO parties and DX chasing. WA3DVO NCO WB3ZCO Post 275 KB3IIE Post 275 N3TFS Post 275 AI5TW Non member Using several antennas from N3TAL to try to get the best signal and power level at 500 watts. Still very hard to cut through the QRM. Fingers crossed for July's net. Everett Bollin

Time Start: 1300 Local
End: 1415 Local

Freq: 14.275Mhz USB
SFI: 71 A:17 K: 5

Normal week in contesters with state QSO parties and DX chasing.

WB3ZCO Post 275
KB3IIE Post 275
N3TFS Post 275
AI5TW Non member

Using several antennas from N3TAL to try to get the best signal and power level at 500 watts. Still very hard to cut through the QRM. Fingers crossed for July's net.

Everett Bollin

  • Ham Radio