November 30, 2021

KN4YQL (Post 28, Spartanburg, S.C.) report 112521

Ham Radio
Net Reports

For American Legion Post 28 in Spartanburg, S.C., I worked from home on behalf of our station license. I used FM with the N2GE repeater only (no HF). We have an EchoLink open to that repeater, KW4EMF, but I did not receive any contacts from it. This was for our scheduled comm. hours from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST. The few contacts I received estimates to be 16. (I did not count our regular contacts that we receive each week very closely.) Among these, I received three new (first-time) contacts. So much for working on location on behalf of our KN4YQL station for a Thanksgiving Day!

For American Legion Post 28 in Spartanburg, S.C., I worked from home on behalf of our station license. I used FM with the N2GE repeater only (no HF). We have an EchoLink open to that repeater, KW4EMF, but I did not receive any contacts from it. This was for our scheduled comm. hours from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST. The few contacts I received estimates to be 16. (I did not count our regular contacts that we receive each week very closely.) Among these, I received three new (first-time) contacts.
So much for working on location on behalf of our KN4YQL station for a Thanksgiving Day!

Calvin Bridges – KJ4HGT

  • Ham Radio