October 08, 2021

KN4YQL (Post 28, Spartanburg, S.C.), 10/7/21

Ham Radio
Net Reports

We had a few contacts today. Received a total of 13 contacts. Most were made with the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, N.C., with 3 made on HF. These contacts gave us 5 new first-time contacts (1 made on 7.272 LSB 40M and 1 on 7.240 LSBV 40M, with 3 on the N2GE repeater.) Other HF frequency used was 3.856 LSB 80/75M. Calvin Bridges – KJ4HGT with Art Paterson – KE4EAN

We had a few contacts today. Received a total of 13 contacts. Most were made with the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, N.C., with 3 made on HF. These contacts gave us 5 new first-time contacts (1 made on 7.272 LSB 40M and 1 on 7.240 LSBV 40M, with 3 on the N2GE repeater.) Other HF frequency used was 3.856 LSB 80/75M.

Calvin Bridges – KJ4HGT with Art Paterson – KE4EAN

  • Ham Radio