October 29, 2021

KN4YQL (Spartanburg, S.C.) contacts - 10/28/21

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Today’s communications had 30 contacts made. 4 contacts were made on HF – SSB (3 on 3.856 and 1 on 7.240 LSB). Among these, 3 were ‘NEW’ – first-time contacts. Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT with Art Paterson KE4EAN

Today’s communications had 30 contacts made. 4 contacts were made on HF – SSB (3 on 3.856 and 1 on 7.240 LSB). Among these, 3 were ‘NEW’ – first-time contacts.

Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT with Art Paterson KE4EAN

  • Ham Radio