September 09, 2021

Radio Contacts for KN4YQL/Post 28: 8/26/21

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Today, we made contacts with 20 operators. 2 by 3.856 LSB 75/80 Meters and 18 by the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, NC. There is 1 more who I am not counting. I looked up someone who said he’s listed in North Carolina. He’s listed on QRZ as being in Ohio. He did have his email address listed, so I sent him an email to confirm the contact was with him today. If it was him and he’s moved, I’ll add him to next week’s contacts. Calvin Bridges, KJ4HGT

Today, we made contacts with 20 operators. 2 by 3.856 LSB 75/80 Meters and 18 by the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, NC. There is 1 more who I am not counting. I looked up someone who said he’s listed in North Carolina. He’s listed on QRZ as being in Ohio. He did have his email address listed, so I sent him an email to confirm the contact was with him today. If it was him and he’s moved, I’ll add him to next week’s contacts.

Calvin Bridges, KJ4HGT

  • Ham Radio