August 19, 2022

KN4YQL net report 081822

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Today, our two-hour net on 3.856 LSB 75/80M and the N2GE receiver, we received 25 contacts. Two were received on HF – 3.856 and 23 with N2GE. with these, we received five new contacts. Also, we have two new ham operators joining us! Phill Chartier AC4Q moved to our area, and Anthony Casanova KQ4CQX has passed his ham test. My last look on QRZ doesn’t have KO4CQX listed yet. Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT, Tommy Becker K4OBY, Art Paterson K4EAN, Karen Marmet KF4BLF and Anthony Casanova – KQ4CQX

Today, our two-hour net on 3.856 LSB 75/80M and the N2GE receiver, we received 25 contacts. Two were received on HF – 3.856 and 23 with N2GE. with these, we received five new contacts.
Also, we have two new ham operators joining us! Phill Chartier AC4Q moved to our area, and Anthony Casanova KQ4CQX has passed his ham test. My last look on QRZ doesn’t have KO4CQX listed yet.

Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT, Tommy Becker K4OBY, Art Paterson K4EAN, Karen Marmet KF4BLF and Anthony Casanova – KQ4CQX

  • Ham Radio