January 12, 2022

KN4YQL radio contacts 1/6/22

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Today’s two-hour net time had 26 contacts. Two were on HF at 3.856 LSB 75/80M and 24 on the N2GE repeater. One of the repeater contacts came to us by KW4EMF EchoLink. With these 26 contacts, we had two new (first-time) contacts. One of our contacts, Walter Rausch K4REI in Hendersonville, N.C., is a retired Navy veteran. There was an interest for a TALARC station for an American Legion post in Hendersonville a few years back that didn’t go anywhere (as far as we know). With Walt’s contact, I asked him if he would be interested in checking in on that post to see how he can help.

Today’s two-hour net time had 26 contacts. Two were on HF at 3.856 LSB 75/80M and 24 on the N2GE repeater. One of the repeater contacts came to us by KW4EMF EchoLink. With these 26 contacts, we had two new (first-time) contacts.

One of our contacts, Walter Rausch K4REI in Hendersonville, N.C., is a retired Navy veteran. There was an interest for a TALARC station for an American Legion post in Hendersonville a few years back that didn’t go anywhere (as far as we know). With Walt’s contact, I asked him if he would be interested in checking in on that post to see how he can help.

Our HF communications on 3.856 LSB: Jack Norris W4TWX in Six Mile, S.C., told us about a contact he had in Greer, S.C. That contact in Greer is wanting to get a TALARC station set up at their American Legion post! It’s looking like our influence is getting out to them!

  • Ham Radio