July 06, 2022

KN4YQL net report 063022

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Today, our two-hour net (10:30AM to 12:30PM) received 17 contacts. One by HF, and 16 with N2GE-R. With these contacts, we logged one new contact received by the N2GE repeater. Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT / Tommy Becker K4OBY / Art Paterson KE4EAN / Don Wykel KN4KAS

Today, our two-hour net (10:30AM to 12:30PM) received 17 contacts. One by HF, and 16 with N2GE-R. With these contacts, we logged one new contact received by the N2GE repeater.

Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT / Tommy Becker K4OBY / Art Paterson KE4EAN / Don Wykel KN4KAS

  • Ham Radio